The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time

Harry Potter is well known for having spoiler warnings. Anytime fans write about the Harry Potter series, they include a spoiler warning for those who may not have read that information. The following list includes some of the biggest Harry Potter spoilers of all time.

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #1: Dumbledore Gets Thrown Out of Hogwarts

It was quite shocking, but in book 2, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore was removed from Hogwarts. I have to admit that I saw this movie before I read the book and I even heard this information before I saw the movie. When I discovered this spoiler, I didn’t believe it. I mean, how could Dumbledore have done anything wrong?

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #2: Hagrid Gets Sent to Prison

Just like Dumbledore, Hagrid too was removed from Hogwarts, in book 2. The Ministry of Magic tried to convict him of the murder of Moaning Myrtle. This is why Dumbledore was removed from Hogwarts. It was thought that Dumbledore had known about the murder and was trying to protect Hagrid. Any fan would know that Hagrid really didn’t kill anyone and both characters were brought back to Hogwarts.

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #3: Sirius Black Dies

As time has gone on, the series has gotten darker. In book 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius Black is murdered. This broke the hearts of fans around the world. It was also one of the biggest Harry Potter spoilers of all time.

See also  The Top Ten Sirius Black Quotes from Harry Potter

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #4: Ron and Hermione Get Together

Many fans expected this relationship to finally happen; they just didn’t know when it would happen. When Ron and Hermione finally got together, Harry Potter fans were thrilled.

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #5: Harry Gets a Girlfriend and It Isn’t Cho

Harry Potter simply adored Cho, so it was quite a shocker and spoiler to find out that he wouldn’t end up with Cho. In fact, Harry Potter ended up with Ron’s sister, Ginny in book 6, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Unfortunately, this relationship was short lived and Harry broke off the relationship.

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #6: Snape is the Half-Blood Prince

Book 6, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was filled with huge spoilers. Fans were absolutely shocked when they found out that Snape was the Half-Blood Prince. After all, Harry had learned so much from the Potions book, which had once belonged to the Half-Blood Prince. When Snape said, “How dare you try and use one of my spells on me.” Harry Potter fans simply let their mouths drop to the floor.

The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #7: Snape Commits Murder

Many Harry Potter fans have always thought Snape was really evil (I’m not one of those fans) and many expected this spoiler to happen at one point. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Snape takes the life of coworker, but who would have thought that coworker would be one of the most loved characters of all time?

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The Biggest Harry Potter Spoilers of All Time #8: Dumbledore Dies

By far, the biggest Harry Potter spoiler of all time is when Dumbledore is murdered in book 6. Fans were shocked into tears at this horrible scene and many fans were even more shocked that the murderer was Snape. In fact, to this day many fans claim that Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him, for a reason we will discover in book 7. Regardless, this is a Harry Potter spoiler that many never saw coming.
