How to Play Yahoo Fantasy Baseball

It’s that time of year again; baseball season is just around the corner. MLB teams and their players have reported to spring training and they are ready to play ball. You want to play Yahoo fantasy baseball for free online and you want to know the ropes. Yahoo fantasy baseball is a fun, free and easy game to play online. Get your computer and sign up for Yahoo fantasy baseball now.

Things you will need

• Computer

• Internet access

1. Go to and write Yahoo fantasy baseball in the search bar. Click on the link that brings you to Yahoo Fantasy Baseball. If you are signed into Yahoo, you will automatically be signed into Yahoo Fantasy Baseball.

2. You will have two choices for free Yahoo fantasy baseball; create a private league or join an existing league and play against other players. If you have enough friends, create the private league, if not click on the button on the right to join an existing league and see how you do against the competition

3. Click on the league type you want to join, for this one we will choose join an existing league, there are three choices under join an existing league in Yahoo Fantasy Baseball; join custom, browse custom or assign to public. If you are new player choose the assign to public.

4. You will have choices in the assign to public; Make your choices, I usually choose rotisserie, competitive and live online draft. If you are not available for an online draft, choose the live Standard draft. They also have a live auction draft which is new; don’t choose this unless you are an expert Yahoo fantasy baseball participant.

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5. If you chose a live draft, you get the option to choose when you will draft your players. Click a day on the calendar and on the bottom; choose a time for your draft. Yahoo fantasy sports will email you when it is close to the time for your draft. You can also write the time down to help you remember.

6. A live draft on Yahoo Fantasy Baseball is fast and furious. If you don’t know the players, they will be listed in order for you to choose the best players. If you are smart, you will go to or Yahoo sports and check out the best players at each position. You will have to choose a certain many players in each position and reserves. Choosing your favorite players does not guarantee you will win Yahoo Fantasy Baseball

7. When draft day comes around, you will either be in a live draft or the computer will choose a team for you. If you are new, let the computer choose your team. Sometimes the computer chooses a better team for you than you can choose for yourself.

8. When you have your team, check out the free agents through your team page. Before the season starts, you can pick up and drop whatever players you want to. When the season starts, Yahoo will automatically match you up against the other teams. The teams with the highest scores make it to the playoffs and the losers stay home. You will be ranked by the computer and you will always know where you stand.

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9. Your job is to be the team manager of your team. You start the players you believe are the best players on your team. You sit other players that are not doing so good. You drop injured players and make trades with other team managers.

10. Use and Yahoo Sports to keep up on injuries of players and to see who is doing the best or is hot. Fantasy Baseball gets you more involved in baseball and can actually make the sport more interesting to you.

11. If you have players who are not doing well, pick up free agents to replace them. Treat your Yahoo Fantasy Baseball team like it is a real Major League Baseball team and you are the manager.

12. Playing Yahoo Fantasy Baseball for fun is just as enjoyable as playing for money, but you don’t have to worry about losing your money. Gambling over what players might or might not do is not the smartest thing to do in the world. Don’t get mad at the Major League Baseball players; they are just doing their jobs.

13. The writer of this article has been the champion in Yahoo Fantasy Sports in private and public leagues. He has also played in the past and won money, both are fun, but don’t gamble away any money you do not have.

14. When the season is over, use what you learned to play other Yahoo fantasy sports. If you like NFL football, try out Yahoo Fantasy Football and you may get hooked.

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15. This is a guide about how to play Yahoo Fantasy Baseball. This guide will not make you a winner in your particular league this is up to you to figure out how to become the winner in your league. This takes time, experience and sometimes a bit of luck.

You now know how to play Yahoo Fantasy Baseball. Go to Yahoo, sign-up and enjoy the competition. You will get what you put into fantasy sports. Enjoy Major League Baseball with a whole new perspective and watch your favorite players as they score points for you. Play ball.


• You are playing Yahoo Fantasy Baseball; you are not a Major League Baseball player. Enjoy the game and don’t take it too seriously

Playing Fantasy Baseball can make baseball more interesting and can help you learn more about the game and the players playing the game

• Do not gamble your life away, this is just Yahoo Fantasy Baseball

• The more you learn about players and stats, the better Yahoo Fantasy Baseball player you can become

• If you are logged into your Yahoo email account, you are logged into Yahoo Fantasy sports

• Do not get mad at Major League baseball players, they are just doing their jobs


Yahoo Fantasy Baseball

Knowledge of Fantasy Sports