Discovering and Improving Your Child’s Reading Level

Many children in school today are struggling with reading, vocabulary and comprehension. The reason for this may be the child isn’t being taught how to read and comprehend at his/her own level, causing the child to get frustrated and not want to progress in that particular subject.

Most schools today only teach the level of reading that is required for the particular grade your child maybe in. This however is not beneficial for a child who hasn’t caught up with the reading level they are suppose to be at in grade school. This is because the child wasn’t taught proper reading skills and could even have a reading disability. However many parents and teachers do not catch onto this right off the bat, and this cause the child to fall behind not only in reading, but also in other subjects such as math, science, and social studies. The reason your child will fall behind in other subjects by not knowing how to read is because he/she will not be able to comprehend other reading assignments they will be given to complete in class or at home.

There is away though to find out your Child’s reading level before they even hit grade school and that is be simply picking up the books they enjoy reading and looking to see what reading level the book is at. This will determine what your child can and can not read. Another great way to figure out your child’s reading levels are by bring to a place where they can actually test your child’s reading level such as a learning center, or a library. Another way to see what your child’s reading level is at is by having them take a reading test that test the vocabulary and how well they can read and pronounce each word given on a certain reading list which you can find out more about at;, or simply click on the link attached to this article. The test they give on their website can tell you what reading level your child may be at. One more great way to test your child’s reading level is asking the department of language arts at your local school to test your child for you, and they most likely will.

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However, if your child has already been enrolled in school and you or a teacher have found a reading and comprehension problem with your son or daughter there are things that can be done to help them. One being you work with them as a parent and help them study and learn how to comprehend what they are reading, and the other way is to get them a tutor. Some other great ways to get your child’s reading level up is to enroll them in Sylvan Learning Institution. At Sylvan your child will be tested in all subjects to see where he/ she may need to improve and then Sylvan Learning Center will provide you with a person who can help them improve in the subjects and areas they need work in. Last way I know of the help your child out is to have your child ask their teacher to stay after school with them and help them understand what there learning a bit more. Most of the time the teacher will say sure, and provide your child with extra credit assignments that will improve their grades and up their reading levels.

By testing your child’s reading level before hand will help your child in school and in anything they decide to do in life. So, remember to get your children’s reading level tested at a young age, and to use the information I have provide you with to do just that. Reading should be fun and not a struggle. Be a parent and get those young one reading properly!

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