How to Get Rid of Centipedes

Organic pest control methods utilized to get rid of centipedes are mostly about prevention. Centipedes are a predatory arthropod known to be a form of organic pest control in themselves. In other words, they eat pesty bugs and are a gardener’s best friend. Though they are quite disarming in appearance, most centipedes are not dangerous per se, but allergies to the bite of the centipede have been recorded. There are a few poisonous varieties of centipedes however.

If you need to get rid of centipedes due to an infestation or just an aversion to them, organic pest control is often the best alternative to the unknown dangers of poisons around the home. There are many methods to get rid of centipedes, and luckily most are organic pest control methods that anyone can do. Whatever method you choose to get rid of centipedes, remember that centipedes are a beneficial animal, so if you have centipedes hanging around, chances are you need to look into the reasons behind the infestation.

Get rid of centipedes organic pest control method – Starvation:

Eradicate other small insects in your home to reduce the amount of prey attracting the centipedes. Centipedes are chow driven. They infest areas where food is readily available to them. In the event their prey leaves, the centipedes usually follow. You can get rid of centipedes’ prey by examining which variety of insects the centipedes are hunting and eradicating them.

Get rid of centipedes organic pest control method – Dehydration:

Centipedes prefer damp conditions. Without water, they can dry out and die. The dryer your home is, the less likely it will attract centipedes. You can get rid of centipedes by investing in dehumidifiers to place around your living space, keeping basements dry, and quickly mopping up spills in your home. Air out damp rooms regularly, and be sure not allow laundry to pile up, as used towels are a damp haven centipedes might utilize.

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Get rid of centipedes organic pest control method – Be Unwelcoming:

Centipedes are not fans of humans. In a human home, they typically stay out of sight most of the time. But when a hiding place is available, centipedes are much harder to get rid of. Keep lawns maintained with few weedy areas, remove rotting logs, and keep decaying matter like brush and grass cuttings distant from your home. Get rid of centipede friendly areas further by moving wood piles, dead leaves, ornamental rocks, and mulch away from the house.

Get rid of centipedes organic pest control method – Keep them Out:

Sealing foundation cracks and checking window and door seals will help keep centipedes from entering your home. In addition, apply sticky traps in areas prone to centipede infestation. Humane removal of centipedes you have found in your home is another organic pest control plan, and if you absolutely can’t stand the little buggers, you may decide to crush them.

Get rid of centipedes organic pest control method – Natural:

Several herbs and plants have been known to be somewhat effective against centipedes when used as an organic pest control barrier wash on floors and walls. Eucalyptus, garlic, vinegar wash, hot pepper oil, borax, and cedar are methods rumored to control centipedes by making your home less desirable.

Whatever method you choose for organic pest control in getting rid of centipedes, be careful, be smart, and stay green! Remember, centipedes can be our friends, so you may want to simply prevent centipedes from getting into your home but keep them on your grounds. Good luck in whatever you do.

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