Getting Rid of Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are no longer a new problem in the United States. These nasty little bugs were brought back to us as a souvenir in someone’s suitcase. That is one souvenir that most people can live without. These are some of the hardest to deal with pest to come across American soil. The main question is, what can you do to get rid of the stinky creatures?

What are stink bugs?

Stink bugs are little bugs with a hard shell. The shell looks amazingly like the shell of a horseshoe crab. Stink bugs do not make a habit of physically attacking people. They do know how to get their way. The stink bug weapon of choice is odor. If the stink bug is angered, it squirts a stink juice that makes people bring out the clothes pins. It is just as bad, if not worse than running across a skunk that squirts. The smell is foul and is not easy to get rid of. On top of that, anything can set the stink bug off.

Where did stink bugs come from?

It is believed that stink bugs came from China. It is believed that a stink bug or two stowed away in a traveler’s suitcase or possibly cargo hauled from China to the United States. One thing led to another and soon, there were stink bugs everywhere. The first stink bugs in the United States were noticed around 1996. That sighting occurred in Allentown, PA. Stink bugs have continually grown to other areas of the United States, much to the chagrin of those who encounter them.

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What you should never do with a stink bug?

Never smash or swat at a stink bug. This will only serve to agitate them and though sometimes ends in the death of the bug, it also leaves a lingering odor. The lingering odor attracts other stink bugs. Smashing or swatting stink bugs only leads to more stink bugs.

Never shake them off clothing. This is a bad mistake as this also encourages them to squirt stink juice. Stink bugs hang on for dear life to whatever material they decide to attach themselves to. Shaking them does not convince them to move from their comfort zone.

Never put stink bugs in the toilet. Any type of plain water tends to upset the little buggers. They will squirt if thrown in plain. The smell will hang out in the bathroom and it will cloud the water.

How do you get rid of stink bugs?

Getting rid of stink bugs is a tricky business. These bugs are hard to kill without getting a stench. There are ways around it though. It takes a careful hand that isn’t afraid to get involved.

Socks- Use a sock (or even a paper towel) to pick up the stink bug. This works well for a single bug that has gotten into the home. Put the sock over your hand then gently grasp the bug. Release the bug outside. Although this does not kill the stink bug, it does get it out of your home without encouraging the odor associated with stink bugs.

Soapy water- If the goal is to kill as many stink bugs as possible, soapy water will do the job. Use a little dishwashing detergent in water. Put the stink bugs in the water solution. The soap tricks the stink bugs and they drown. This is a great way to get rid of mass stink bugs.

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Traps- Many stores now sell stink bug traps. The traps attract the bugs for easy disposal. They can be purchased at most hardware stores and are great for people who have severe stink bug problems.

Vacuum- Stink bugs can be vacuumed up. This may not be the best choice since the smell will be in the vacuum cleaner. Do not use a bagless vacuum cleaner for this purpose. A vacuum with a bag makes it easily disposed of without the smell filling the home.

How do you prevent stink bugs from entering your home?

Identify- The only way to prevent a stink bug invasion is to identify places around the home that could be possible entryways for the bugs. Stink bugs look for refuge in colder weather. Before winter hits, do an inspection around the home. Are there open areas where the stink bugs can slip in? It’s time to take care of those.

Seal- Seal off any cracks or holes on the outside of the house. Caulk around windows to seal them tightly. Sealing off entry areas will prevent stink bugs and other pests from entering your home.

Contact pest control- Contact a pest control company to come out and inspect your home. They know what to look for and can give you suggestions on how to prevent stink bugs in the future.

People do not have to fear stink bugs. They do not bite or sting. They look a little scary, but they will not hurt you. They will stink you out the first chance they get though. They come in droves and can overtake your home. Some people report having to get rid of hundreds of them. Preventative measures will help keep them to a minimum, so take steps as soon as possible to keep control of it before cold weather hits your area.