How I Deal with Stuttering

“You don’t stutter. Your tongue just covers up your eyetooth so you can’t see what you’re saying.” — What my Dad would tell me

Stuttering is definitely stressful, even if you don’t stutter that badly. It can leave you embarrassed and frustrated. Stuttering can happen at any age and for a variety of reasons. Trying to express ourselves can be difficult even under the best of conditions, but stuttering makes it worse. And what’s really unfair is that stress about stuttering can make your stutter worse.

But the good news is that if you stutter today, that’s doesn’t mean you will definitely stutter tomorrow. Dealing with your overall stress levels can be a great way of inadvertently helping you to stutter less.

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Yes, I stutter. I’ve been stuttering since the womb, it seems. My stutter isn’t that bad, but it can be very bothersome and can often make me experience physical symptoms of stress, like a rise in blood pressure. After a few years, you get used to it and learn to compromise with it. Some people choose to ignore their stuttering, but I have to wonder if they really are ignoring it or just pretending to ignore it. For me, pretending to ignore that I don’t stutter makes me stressed and more prone to stuttering.

I don’t really mind so much that I stutter – perhaps it’s helped me concentrate more on my writing. Since one avenue of communication was blocked, I had to get better at another. But when I was in middle school and high school, it got so bad that I had no choice but to deal with stuttering. Here’s some of what I learned about dealing with my stuttering.

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Tips For Dealing With Stuttering

  • Go to a doctor to be sure there isn’t a physical reason for your stutter. If you’ve ever had a stroke, for example, then you are bound to stutter.
  • Memorize some standard small talk or sentences you use often. For some reason, repeating what you’ve learned from memory is often easier for you to get out of your mouth smoothly than improvisational talking (normal talking).
  • Make fun of yourself. When I start to stutter, I often smack my cheek and then say (as best as I can) “My mouth isn’t awake yet.” This gets the listener to laugh. Perhaps they’ve gone through something similar and often can emphasize what you are going through.
  • Start pretending you have a coughing fit or a really bad sore throat. Then, write down your replies to any information anyone around you needs to know.
  • Tell your listener that you stutter. Adults are surprisingly tolerant of stutters. Some kids are, too. For the most part, your listener will appreciate your honesty.
  • Take deep breaths. Not only does this look like you are gathering your thoughts together to say something profound, but breathing deeply helps your body to relax, which in turn can help you deal with stuttering.

In Conclusion

Stuttering can make you stressed and worsen your stuttering. Most stutters can be lessened or managed. There are no quick cures for stuttering. Stutters can come and go throughout your life, as it does with me. You do not have to suffer alone. Talk to your doctor about treatments.

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