Homeopathic Cold and Flu Remedies

It’s fall, and most kids are back in school. Weather will be cooler in most places, crowds will be gathered in small spaces, and germs will be spreading rapidly. That’s right — once again cold and flu season rears its ugly head!

Although there are new drugs and flu immunizations to lessen the severity and length of colds and flu, there is still no cure for these pesky and sometimes downright dangerous diseases. Also, more and more people are beginning to steer away from the possibility of unfortunate side effects from the over-the-counter or prescribed drugs now available for colds and flu.

Do you have chicken soup and lemon juice for hot lemonade on hand for the upcoming cold and flu season? Then you have joined increasing numbers of the population who are preparing for common fall and winter maladies the homeopathic way.

Preventing Colds and Flu:

Flu immunizations, along with others, are becoming more regarded in the homeopathic community, as well as elsewhere, as a possible cause of the increasing rate of autism where these immunizations are given. Therefore, homeopathy is recommending many more natural immune enhancers through the diet and in supplement form.

One popular supplement available is Thymuline, a hormone that stimulates and regulates the thymus gland. This hormone is known to aid in maturation of the T-lymphocytes. In spring and fall, local pollens can be added to Thymuline in order to guard against allergies. Doses will vary according to weight of the individual taking the Thymuline, and it can be provided in either liquid, pellet, or capsule form. Thymuline is said to work against both viral and bacterial agents.

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An immune system booster that should be taken along with Thymuline is Influenzinum. Influenzinum is actually a homeopathic preparation of flu viruses which are the same viruses chosen for the year’s flu vaccine. Influenzinum can also be provided in liquid, pellet, or capsule form.

Echinacea and goldenseal are two herbs commonly recommended by homeopaths for prevention and treatment of colds and flu.

Vitamin C and bioflavoids which are either added to vitamin C or available separately are also known for warding off colds and flu. It is recommended that 1000 mg of vitamin C be taken twice daily.

Another popular homeopathic cold preventive in homeopathy is ferrum phosphoricum, which is a compound of iron and phosphorus.

To Treat Colds and Flu:

There are many and varied remedies in homeopathy to treat symptoms of cold and flu once you have caught them.

At the beginning of a cold, Oscillococcinum, a brand of anas barbariae, is often given, three doses on the first day to attempt to “nip it in the bud.” If the cold continues, there will be no need for the Oscillococcinum, but there are many remedies available to treat the various symptoms.

For respiratory and nasal symptoms, there is pulsatilla to clear up phlegm and mucus. Also kali bichromium and/or dulcamara is given for a runny nose or stuffy sinuses. Nux vomica can be given for night congestion and irritability.

A sore throat calls for selenium or aconite. Mercurius soluble is also an effective sore throat treatment. If the focus of the cold is in your eyes, treat it with aconite, allium cepa (also treats sneezing), and/or Euphrasia 12x. Coughing and chest congestion should be addressed with aconite, bryonia, ipecac and/or spongia. Swollen tonsils call for apis mellifica.

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Fatigue and achiness are two common flu symptoms that should be treated with arsenicum album, eupatorium, and/or Gelsemium, which is also effective for chills.

Belladonna is indicated for headaches and fever associated with colds or flu.

More severe onset flu with sudden chills and fever is often treated with aconitum napellus. The deep aching often accompanying this type of flu can be addressed with rhus toxicodendron and/or eupatorium perforliatum.

In summary, there are several homeopathic remedies you can turn to in order to deal with the upcoming cold and flu season. Make sure to read the instructions carefully with any homeopathic remedy, just as you would with other medications.