Top 10 2009 Natural Disasters

In the year 2009, A number of horrific natural disasters have taken place. With each natural disaster leaving behind a number of victims to pick up and sort their lives out after the fact. Once a natural disaster has occurred a number of agencies are in place to help the displaced victims such as the American Red Cross which offers help to not just victims of a disaster in the United States of America but will send aide to other countries as well. The American Red Cross will accept donations all year long to help out in the instance that a natural disaster has taken place such as these.

1) September 24, 2009 A typhoon rocked the Philippines which poured over a months worth of monsoon rain on the Philippines which caused massive damage to the area after the monsoon rain dumped over the area for a straight 12 hours. When the rain stopped and damage was assessed there were a number of people dead and a large number of people with out homes.

2) September 30, 2009 A number of earthquakes rocked the Indonesia and Samoa which caused a large amount of damage and left people reeling from the after affects. There were many people displaced after the fact due to the amount of destruction that left the country with a large number of homeless residents and who were left searching for family members who were later left to be buried.

3) Not to long after the September 30, 2009 earthquakes did a monsoon rain storm take over and left India with the massive flood waters, which have been recorded as the worst in 60 years. It was later recorded as 2.5 million people were affected by the floods. In most cases, when wide spread flood waters take effect and there is wide amounts of damage, then the thoughts pour in with regards to the amount of people who will then be lost to diseases either from the cold and wet or from drinking water that contains bacteria from the flooding and also from the amount of people who will most likely not be found right away and cause bacteria to be spread through out a community.

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4) February 19, 2009 The country of Australia gets hit with a large amount of flood waters which caused massive damage to area’s that have not been affected by the wildfires that were crossing the country. Many of the area’s were proclaimed as being natural disaster zones after the flood damage was assessed and a number of people were left with flood damaged homes and left homeless.

5) Hurricane Ida sets the country of El Salvador reeling when flood waters rock the country and place thousands in shelters and with out homes to return to once the flooding has stopped. It was not only the flood waters that left people running from their homes leaving all their belongings behind but also the large amount of mudslides that started when the rain began coming down in large amounts making the areas that are already loose sentiments of soil sliding and ruining homes and killing people in the way.

6) Cyclone Laurence was Australia’s first tropical cyclone of the season and occurred in December 2009. Before passing through it reached a category 4 storm. The winds of the storm were said to be that of 65 knots which is 120 km of wind with wind gust of up to 80 miles per hour.

7) A EF4 tornado hit the areas of Tennessee and Kentucky which resulted in a number of homes and businesses being damaged. This left quite a few people homeless for the Good Friday holiday and left businesses closed for a number of days before being allowed to reopen once insurance claims had been processed and damage been addressed and improvements being made to the businesses in order to open back up to customers.

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8) April 6, 2009 A Earthquake shook the country of Italy and caused hundreds of deaths. 295 people were confirmed dead and 2.5 billion dollars worth of damage was caused to the country. The quake was a 6.2 magnitude that left flattened cities behind in its wake,

9) July 2009 The flood of India left 995 people dead and caused massive amounts of damage to the country from the flooding waters. Many of the people of India had thought to wait out the waters and when they did, the waters gushed and ripped homes apart and swept the families away with the water in the process.

10) The 2009 Winter storm of Europe. This storm has hit Europe and has killed a number of people in the wake of it from the freezing bitter cold that has hit the country. The commuter trains were left to shut down with thousands of people trapped inside for a number of hours without food or water to keep them going. Many other people got stranded in airports as the weather was to bad to allow passengers and flight workers to get planes off from the ground. Many other accidents were reported and a number of people whom were trying to get home ended up freezing to death from the chilling cold air that rips your body apart.