Harry Potter’s Original Dumbledore: Little Known Facts About Richard Harris

Harry Potter fans see Richard Harris as being almost god-like. He was the perfect actor to play the part of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately, Richard Harris passed away shortly after filming Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. While, many younger fans may always remember him for his part in the Harry Potter series, he was also known for his parts in many other successful films, including Unforgiven. While many people are familiar with this great actor, there are still some little known facts about Richard Harris.

Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #1: Knighted in 1985

In 1985 Richard Harris was knighted in Denmark. He shares this honor with several other great actors including Anthony Hopkins and Sean Connery.

Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #2: Played Rugby

When Richard Harris was younger, he played rugby. In fact, he was so good at the sport Limerick City still talks about his tackling moves. He would have even gone on to play professional rugby if he hadn’t caught tuberculosis.

Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #3: Had a Good Reason for Taking the Part of Dumbledore

Richard Harris had a very good reason for playing part of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series. The fact is his granddaughter swore to never speak to him again if he didn’t take the part in the Harry Potter series. Now we know this was a silly childhood threat, but thankfully it worked and he was able to play the part of Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter films.

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Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #4: Had Famous Drinking Buddies

In his earlier years, Richard Harris had an extremely bad drinking problem. But, he didn’t drink alone. In fact, he spent his time drinking with other great actors including Peter O’Toole and Richard Burton.

Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #5: Had a Fascination with Playing Authority Figures

Richard Harris loved playing characters that were in positions of authority. He played King Arthur, King Richard the Lionheart and of course he played the part of Headmaster Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series.

Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #6: Was a Method Actor

Richard Harris believed in truly getting into a part. When told that he would be playing the part of a dirty character, he actually stopped bathing in order to truly fit the part. He might have smelled bad, but at least he fit the part.

Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #7: Friends with Sean Connery

Richard Harris was also friends Sean Connery. Sean Connery is of course best known for his character James Bond. Sean Connery also shares the honor of being knighted.

Little Known Facts about Richard Harris #8: His Final Resting Place Is in the Bahamas

Sadly, Richard Harris passed away at the age of 72. His death happened only 24 days after his 72nd birthday on October 25, 2002. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was released on November 15, 2002, a mere three weeks from the date of his death. Richard Harris was cremated and his ashes were sprinkled around his home in the Bahamas.

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