Guide to Harry Potter’s Spells: Letter B and C

Have you ever wanted to tear down a wall just by saying a few words and pointing a wand? Have you ever wanted to embarrass somebody by making boogers appear and turn into bats? Well, then this article is for you. This is a guide to all the spells used in the Harry Potter universe that start with the letter B or C.

Banishing Charm
The Banishing Charm is the opposite of the Summoning Charm. The caster can choose an item and cast the Banishing Charm in order to make that object be moved away from someone or something. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire the students at Hogwarts have a class where they are learning the Banishing Charm.

Bat-Bogey Hex
The Bat-Bogey Hex causes the victim’s boogers to appear, turn into bats and then attack them. This spell is a specialty of Ginny Weasley’s. She uses it in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

The Bombarda spell is used to tear things down. The Bombarda spell is usually used to tear down a wall. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione uses the Bombarda spell and in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Dolores Umbridge uses a Bombarda Maxima spell, the most powerful form of the Bombarda spell.

Bubble-Head Charm
The Bubble-Head Charm, not to be confused with the Bobble-Head Charm, puts a large bubble of air around the head of the user. This spell is most often used when somebody needs to breathe underwater as seen in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

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Caterwauling Charm
The Caterwauling Charm is a charm used by the Death Eaters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. If someone steps into the perimeter of the Caterwauling Charm it sets off a shrieking noise. Those Death Eaters should really get into the security business.

Cave Inimicum
The Cave Inimicum spelle is used to strengthen the caster’s defenses when they are in an enclosed area. Hermione and Harry Potter use the Cave Inimicum spell to enhance the campsite’s defense in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Cheering Charm
The Cheering Charm was created by Felix Summerbee and is seen in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The Cheering Charm makes people happy but if used improperly the Cheering Charm can cause someone to break into an uncontrollable laughing fit. Actually that sounds like more fun than cheering somebody up.

The Colloportus spell is used to magically lock doors. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix we see that the Colloportus spell is best used on Muggles (humans with no magical powers) because when the Colloportus spell is used on someone who knows magic they an counter with the Alohomora spell.

Colour-Change Charm
The Colour-Change Charm is exactly what it sounds like. The Colour-Change Charm is used to change the colour of objects. The Colour-Change Charm has been used in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I’m sure when they are older they will find more practical reasons for this spell, like easily repainting a room or always have a good paint job on your car.

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Confrringos sounds like some kind of tasty snack but it is actually a spell that will explode anything that it comes in contact with. Harry Potter uses it a few different times during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

The Confundo spell is used to confuse and befuddle people. The Confundo spell has been used or mentioned many times in the Harry Potter series. Snape claims that Harry Potter and Hermione are under the Confundo spell when they say Sirius Black is innocent in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire the Confundo spell is blamed for the Goblet choosing four contestants. It is never said in the book or the movies but I believe the Confundo spell is also constantly cast on all male Weasleys.

Conjunctivitus Curse
The Conjunctivus Curse is used to affect somebody’s vision. The Conjunctivitus Curse is used in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by Viktor Krum and again used by Madame Maxime in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. The Conjunctivitus Curse was also cast on all quidditch referees.

The Crucio spell, also known as the Cruciatus Curse is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. The Crucio curse inflicts a great deal of pain on the victim. The Crucio spell is first used in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when “Mad-Eye” uses the spell on a spider.

Cushioning Charm
The Cushioning Charm is used to create an invisible cushion. The Cushioning Charm is most often used on broomsticks so that flying your broom will be much more comfortable. With this Cushioning Charm and the Colour-Change Charm earlier I’m sure interior decorating is often an occupation of choice after completion of Hogwarts.