Guide to Harry Potter’s Spells: Letter A

The final Harry Potter book is now out. That means you have no reason to not know everything there is to know about Harry Potter. Quick! How tall is he? What color are his eyes? What kind of toothpaste does he use? Okay, so I don’t know the answers to those questions either but what I do know is those crazy magic spells of his. Here is your guide to the spells in Harry Potter that start with the letter A.

Accio is a charm that summons anything the caster wishes to have, even if the object is far away. There is one rule though. The caster must know the vicinity that the object is in. So you can’t just say “Accio Doughnut!” and expect to get a doughnut. I’m not sure how specific you have to be about the place though. Maybe you can just think about a doughnut shop and you can summon a doughnut from it. Harry Potter uses this summon in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire during the Triwizard Tournament when he summons his broom.

Age-Line Charm
Before Harry Potter got a chance to use the summoning charm there was the incident with the Goblet of Fire. Albus Dumbledore didn’t want students of a certain age to enter the Triwizard Tournament so he put an Age-Line Charm on the Goblet of Fire to stop underage students from entering their name.

Aguamenti is a charm that sprays water from the caster’s wand. That’s not really that great of a trick though. Clowns do the same thing with flowers and they don’t even have to say magic words.

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The Alohomora spell is used to open and unlock doors. Some doors can have a resist spell on them so you can’t open them or unlock them. This spell is used several times through out the Harry Potter series.

I was disappointed to learn that the Anapneo spell is used to clear someone’s airway if it is blocked. Like when Marcus Belby swallows too fast in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and starts to choke. I was hoping the spell was a spell that made you take naps.

Anti-Cheating Spell
The Anti-Cheating Spell is used in the Harry Potter series a couple of times whenever Harry Potter and his friends are taking an exam. The Anti-Cheating Spell is cast onto the quill the students use to write with to prevent cheating. Maybe if we cast this spell on Major League Baseball we can get rid of steroids.

Anti-Disapparation Jinx
The Anti-Disapparation Jinx is a spell that can prevent an enemy from entering a defended area. So now you can keep the enemy out of your castle, or your sister out of your bedroom. The Anti-Disapparation Jinx was used in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix against the Death Eater

Antonin Dolohov’s Curse
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix we see Antonin Dolohov use a curse during the battle between the Death Eaters and Dumbledore’s Army. Antonin Dolohov’s curse causes serious internal injury.

The Aparecium spell is used to turn invisible things visible. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hermione uses the Aparecium spell to make the invisible ink in Tom Riddle’s diary appear but it is believed that Aparecium doesn’t work only on invisible ink but also invisible objects.

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Sometimes flying somewhere on your broom just takes too long. In these circumstances you can always try the Apparition spell to teleport to where you want to go. There are a lot of dangers using the Apparition spell though. The first is that if you go a long distance your teleportation can be off and you won’t know exactly where you teleport to. The second is that if you do the spell incorrectly you could only teleport part of your body, which would kill you.

Atmospheric Charm
Have you ever felt that a rain cloud is following you and only you like in the cartoons? Well maybe somebody cast an Atmospheric Charm on you. The Atmospheric Charm can change the weather conditions of a certain place indoors or outdoors. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows we see an example of it being used inside when it is raining in Yaxley’s office.

Avada Kedavra
Avada Kedavra is one of the three Unforgivable Curses and is also known as “The Killing Curse.” Avada Kedarvra will instantly kill somebody although there will be no signs of cause of death and it is painless. There is no spell that can counter or block Avada Kedavra but you can dodge it. In the Harry Potter series the Avada Kedavra spell is what Voldemort used to kill Harry Potter’s parents.

The Avis spell can create a flock of birds. The Avis spell is often coupled with the Oppugno spell, which makes animals attack a certain target. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Mr. Ollivander uses Avis spell.