My Top Five Favorite Charmed Music Videos on YouTube

I discovered You Tube when I finally got cable internet and had to speed I needed to be able to view videos. Trying to view them when you have dial-up is nearly impossible. When I began searching one afternoon for episodes of the series Charmed that I had missed, I discovered that there were a number of music videos created using clips from Charmed episodes, and well I found them charming (pun intended). Here’s my top ten Charmed music videos from You Tube.

1. My all time favorite Charmed music video on You Tube is entitled Charmed: Girls Can Rock and has the soundtrack from Hillary Duff’s Girl Can Rock. The creator njz clearly knew her stuff here as far as the Charmed series goes. She used fight scenes from different episodes and strung them together to fit the words in the song. It was great and real pleasure to watch. Sometimes homemade videos have problems such as glitches in the video, or the soundtrack not being clear but njz had none of those. This video is well-crafted, fun to watch, and the video clips she picked matched to song exactly. Also, she gave credit to the musician which not all video creators do. I look forward to viewing more Charmed videos from this creator. Here’s the video Charmed: Girls Can Rock

2. The Charmed Ones: Because You Loved Me is my second favorite Charmed music video. This video was created by illygirl who did a fantastic job with it. This video was a tribute to and a reaction to the episode Missing Prue on Charmed. While the video clips were from episodes with both Prue and Paige, I thought the creator did a good job of piecing them together to reflect the song. While it was a tribute to Prue, the clips the she chose were all ones were the sisters were either helping others, or showing their love for one another and since the theme of the song is the same, this was perfect. The song is by Celine Dion and one of my personal favorites of hers. The video can be viewed here The Charmed Ones: Because You Loved Me

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3. My third favorite Charmed music video is entitled Charmed: There She Goes created by pierressssssssssssss, and no I have no idea why he added the extra S’s. While the creator did not give the musicians credit, the video is well put together. The song is by Six Pence None Richer, and the music is clear. While the video has a bit of distortion in places it is difficult to see unless you have your nose pressed up to your computer screen. The creator of this Charmed music video did a great job with the clips he used in relation to the song, and both fit together magically. Of course the fact that I love the song has something to do with it as well. You can find the video here Charmed: There She Goes

4. Coming in at number four is the Charmed music video entitled simply Phoebe Halliwell. The music is Bitch by Meredith Brooks. The clips of Phoebe were perfect for this video and honestly the song fits her personality to a T. There are some glitches in the video, but the music is clear which made up for it. The author would have done better to give it a better label and to give credit to the musician, and it would have been higher on my list of favorites if she had. However, other than that it’s a very fine Charmed music video. You can view it here Phoebe Halliwell

5. Love on Charmed, And It Feels Like is my fifth favorite Charmed music video, also by njz. The song And It Feels Like is by one of my favorite artists LeAnn Rimes. The song matches the clips chosen which are all ones that have to do with love that is lost by the sisters, or that they fear is going to be lost. The video is clear as is the music which makes this one of my favorite Charmed music videos. You can view this video here Love on Charmed, And It Feels Like

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I love You Tube and the many videos created by both fans and people interested in having others see their creations. So, check these videos out and see what you think. Who knows you may find some favorites you didn’t know existed!