Fun Facts About Harry Potter Character Sirius Black

WARNING: If you haven’t read books 1-5, this article will contain spoilers.

One of everyone’s favorite supporting characters in the Harry Potter series is Sirius Black. Sirius Black was first presented as a criminal who had escaped from Azkaban, but turned out to be one of the truest friends Lily and James Potter ever had. Harry Potter became very close to this character, only to have him removed from his life in such a tragic way. While this Harry Potter character may be gone, he will forever be remembered. Here are just a few of the fun facts about Sirius Black.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #1: A Play on Words

The name Sirius Black is actually a play on words. In fact, the name is a pun on the fact that he can turn into a big black dog. There is a “Dog Star” called Sirius which is the biggest in the Great Dog constellation.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #2: Harry Potter’s Godfather

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, we find out that Sirius Black is Harry Potter’s godfather. At first this is a shocking fact for Harry, because Sirius Black is supposed to be a murderer. Later, we find out that Sirius Black is in fact a good guy and wants Harry to come live with him. Unfortunately, this can never happen.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #3: Left All of His Possessions to Harry Potter

When Sirius Black is murdered he leaves all of his possessions to his godson.

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Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #4: His Death

Sirius Black was actually killed by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix managed to kill him by casting a spell which knocked him through a veiled archway, during a battle that took place the Department of Mysteries.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #5: Comes from a Long Line of Muggle Haters

The Black Family is known for hating Muggles and Half-Bloods. Sirius Black hated the fact that his family was like this so much that he left and went to live with the Potter Family during his last year at Hogwarts.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #6: One of the Oldest Wizard Families

The Black Family was not only one of the most racist families, but they were also one of the oldest wizard families. Known as “The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black” the family dates back to the middle ages. Another fun fact is that Rowling named most of the family members after constellations.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #7: Was in Gryffindor House

During his time at Hogwarts, which was from 1969 to 1976, Sirius Black was in Gryffindor House. This character truly lived up to the Gryffindor name because he was one of the bravest characters in the series. In fact, he was brave enough to break out of Azkaban, something that isn’t easily done.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Sirius Black #8: An Unregistered Animagus

This character was an unregistered Animagus since his 5th year at Hogwarts. His Animagus is a bear-like black dog, which actually came in handy in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

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