Fat Burning Exercise Routine for Men

I have devised a simple and quick 5 exercise routine for men who want to burn fat with their workout. When I was young there was almost constant activity my life so I almost never stopped moving, and later on when I started packing on the pounds, I realized how much the activity of youth typically burns fat. Once we age a bit and start becoming more like “The Thinker” the famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin, sitting and pondering the fate of our lives, and then we gain weight simply because we are eating more and moving less.

We all know through experience that if you limit calories, you may lose some fat, but I have learned that a much better way to go is to increase muscle mass, since this requires more energy to support itself than does pure fat. The largest muscle group is usually in your butt and legs, and working them out is the fastest way to get calories burning. One proof is that walking and running burn plenty of Calories and you are using your leg muscles to propel you forward.

Cardio” workouts can help reduce fat by burning calories, and anything you do which is aerobic will burn fat.
But I feel that, at least for me, the burning of fat is best done by creating muscle mass. If you want to generally look better and feel better you should consider strengthening your core muscles. Once your core is getting more toned, the fat will just melt away.

No matter what exercise routine you prefer do use, stretching and warming up plus cooling down are as important as the actual exercise.

Look around and see which athletes have the least body fat? Hockey players are tough as nails, and pound for pound are some of the strongest athletes around. Lighter weight class pugilists have so little body fat that their core looks like it was chiseled from rock. They have strong stamina, plus explosive raw power. Swimmers are toned all around with very solid core sculpted arms and legs, and have very high aerobic stamina. Soccer players are pretty much fat free, with strong legs and core, plus great stamina.

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What these athletes all have in common is they are low in body fat with strong cores and legs. Their individual sports activities include a lot of leg work, plus core muscle strengthening workouts.

In an effort to tone up and stay healthy, i created this my simple and fast 5 exercise routine for increasing muscle mass while reducing body fat. This program was primarily for use by men, but a woman would benefit as well.

Always start your exercise session by stretching all the muscle groups, especially the legs using a runners stretch where you lengthen the hamstring muscle is great. Stretch your back, arms, core, and neck. Once you are stretched out and all of your muscles are loose, start your workout:

#1 do 7 standing presses with a moderate amount of weight on a barbell or with free weights. Moderate to me is when the weight feels comfortable and easy to manage on the first lift or two, but towards the end of the set it starts to feel heavier. It is probably best to start with a percentage of your body weight that is equal to the weight of the fat you want to lose. For example, some experts believe that if you are a 5′ 9″ man who weighs 200 lbs. then you should probably weigh between 165 and 180 depending on bone structure and many other factors, and I believe that you should easily be able to lift 20 to 35 pounds on a barbell or free weights. This will also help demonstrate for you roughly how much extra mass you are carrying around all day.

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#2 do 6 lunges where you are propped up with your hands on the floor, having one leg stretched straight back, and other one under your chest, pop your butt up into the air a little bit by kicking one leg back while pulling the other one up, repeating this motion 6 times.

#3 while you are still down on the floor you should do 5 regular push-ups. This is where you start to really get into the aerobic and core muscle groups. Stretching your body flat like this makes your abdominal, and your lower back muscles tense up in order to hold you straight. Try and keep this straight pose through the 5 push-ups.

#4 next you need to do 4 deep knee bends/squats. Slower is better, and go as deep as you can manage. This one really gets the blood pumping! Leg strength is one of the most important physical aspects for maintaining good health throughout your life, and is especially important as we get older. Strong legs will help keep you active and healthy much longer in life. Maintaining your balance helps tighten your core muscles while your legs get toned from the intense focus of muscle contraction it takes to lift your body weight up and down this way. You will feel the burn on the last one. If there is no burn, you may be going too fast. Sometimes it is easier for me to create the burn by going down more slowly. This is just as important when lifting up. Try to not bounce when doing this exercise, but maintain your pace moving slowly up and down.

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#5 following the squats punching a heavy bag for 3 minutes gives you an aerobic and strength workout, if you don’t have access to a heavy bag you can aggressively “shadow box” for 3 minutes instead. Alternative to this exercise is to jump rope for 3 minutes. You can alternate these within your workout to keep from getting bored with the routine.

if you are doing just one “circuit” of these 5 fat burning exercises, then cool down and stretch just like you did at the beginning of the session.

Once you are moving more, and these exercises are getting easier to do, add a second and third set to make it more challenging. You can also increase the number of repetitions you do in each set in order to get more out of this. Many repetitions will increase aerobic output, and will increase muscle mass while reducing body fat.

if you do this basic fat burning routine 3-4 times per week, then you will see results in your core, stamina, and your fat to muscle ratio within two weeks of starting.