Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever: Best Cure for a Headache

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever is the only over-the-counter product that cures my headaches. I don’t get migraines, but I often get headaches due to eye strain, stress, and other lifestyle factors. I’ve tried everything else on the market, and Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever works like no other product. It’s inexpensive and readily available at most drugstores, supermarkets, and other retailers which sell pharmacy items.

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever contains 3 ingredients which work together to fight headaches. It combines acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine. If I take acetaminophen or aspirin alone, it’s as if I’ve taken nothing at all. If I drink coffee, black tea, or cola, the caffeine only makes my headaches worse. Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever works because it’s a “cocktail” of these 3 ingredients, and the cocktail has a stronger effect than any of the individual substances.

I used to suffer headaches in silence, figuring that there was nothing I could do once a headache hit. I guess that years of ads touting Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever as “The Headache Medicine” eventually had an effect on me.

About 8 years ago, I bought my very first bottle of Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever. I was working late one night at my bookstore job, and I felt a headache coming on. How was I going to make it to midnight? Luckily, there was a drugstore just a block away. On my dinner break, I rushed to the drugstore and purchased Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever. The low price – just over three dollars for 24 pills – was an immediate source of “relief.”

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Still, I had my doubts. Why would Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever cure my headache when nothing else did? Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, and aspirin were all useless as far as I was concerned. I was only half-joking when I told one of my coworkers, “If this stuff gets rid of my headache, I’ll write them and offer to star in one of their TV ads.” I swallowed two tablets of Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever and waited to see what happened.

To my amazement, Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever made my headache vanish. I never did write the company, so this product review will have to take the place of a fan letter to Bristol-Myers Squibb, the company that manufactures Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever.

I’m still loyal to Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever all these years later. My only complaint is that I have to take Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever when I feel a headache approaching. It won’t work once the headache is full-blown. However, this is a common feature of headache remedies, including prescription drugs. Until someone invents a pill that cures headaches after they’re well under way, Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever will remain “The Headache Medicine” for me.
