The Pain Reliever Battle: Motrin IB Vs. Tylenol

Two of the biggest names in over-the-counter pain relievers are Tylenol and Motrin. Deciding which to use for particular symptoms is half the battle. The main drug ingredient in each is different, however. Tylenol has acetaminophen and Motrin IB has ibuprofen as the main ingredient. Over the years, I have fount that each has its own benefits.

Motrin IB vs. Tylenol Similarities and Differences

Motrin IB

Motrin IB contains ibuprofen and is recommended for pain relief. Motrin IB is effective for many different ailments and recommended and supported by many medical professionals. Motrin’s main pain reliever is ibuprofen. The recommended dose is 200 mg every 4-6 hours. For stronger pain, 2 of the 200 mg. caplets may be taken, not to exceed 6 caplets in 24 hours. One 200 mg caplet is recommended to take first, however, and the 2 capsule dose should be taken only as necessary.


Tylenol contains acetaminophen as the main pain relief ingredient. Tylenol promotes this main ingredient as being less taxing on the stomach than other pain relievers. Tylenol has also been the recommended over-the-counter remedy recommended by many physicians for everything from headaches to injury pain. The basic Tylenol choice for pain relief is a 250 mg. (1 caplet) dose, or 2 caplets, for more pain relief. Tylenol makes many different variations, though, and soem are specifically geared for vertain alilments, like Tylenol PM, which has some added sleeping aid. There are also Tylenol packages sold in Extra Strength, or 500 mg. caplets.


Tylenol offers more variety in specific Tylenol variations. Both are similar as pain relievers, when taken in equal dosages.

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Dealing with Aches and Pains

Before I had my wisdom teeth extracted, my dentist chose Motrin in a 600 mg dose for me, prior to oral surgery. It helped. I was told to continue to take Motrin for tooth pain, as needed, after the surgery. As a pain reliever, it wasn’t enough for the first few days of pain, but it did help the second week. Motrin seems to be effective for toothaches, as long as they are not severe. Prior to the oral surgery, I had tried to take the more common, Tylenol, but it did not help.

Motrin was prescribed for my son when he sprained his ankle. It seems to work well for “aches, sprains, and dull pain.” I find that Motrin works the best for backaches, muscle aches, and PMS, as needed. Motrin beats Tlenol for taking the “edge” off of any of the “ache” type pains.

Tylenol seems to be better at pain relief for headaches and sharper pains. I gave my kids Children’s Tylenol before most of the shots that they had to get at the doctor’s office over the years, as recommended by their doctor. Tylenol also seems to work better for overall feelings of coming down with the common cold, or a sore throat.

Motrin IB should be taken with food or milk, to prevent any stomach upset. Tylenol is not as sensitive to stomach upset when taken alone. Both Tylenol and Motrin IB offer a different pain reliever for children under 12 years of age. Children should not take the adult strength product for Tylenol or Motrin IB.

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Both over-the-counter medications cannot be taken for long periods of time, and a ten day limit is normally the longest recommended time period for use. Warnings are listed on both products for chronic pain or pain that worsens after ingestion of the medication.

Cold and fever symptoms related to the common, uncomplicated cold, can be treated with either pain reliever. Motrin IB seems to be a stronger remedy for general malaise and aches, while Tylenol wins when sore throat pain is an issue. I like the fact that a single dose of Motrin IB can last up to 6 hours and that a 200 mg capsule may be enough for minor pain relief. Motrin has also been proven to be a fever reducer.

And the Winner is…

Both Tylenol and Motrin are effective pain relievers for minor health ailments. Each has strengths for different kinds of symptom relief, though. In each category, a winner is declared.

Winning Symptom Relief Categories

Toothaches: Motrin
Headaches: Tylenol
Backaches: Motrin
Sprains/Muscle Aches: Motrin
General Malaise: Tylenol
Sore throat, immunization pain: Tylenol
PMS: Motrin