Equate Brand Headache Relief and Ibuprofen Tablets: An Unbelievable Value

Do you suffer from migraine headaches on a weekly basis? Do tension headaches keep you from fulfilling your full potential at work or school? Do you work long hours and feel shoulder or joint pain and are looking for affordable, effective relief?

If you’re a chronic headache sufferer like me, you’ll definitely want to keep reading.

I suffer from headaches, migraines as well as tension headaches. My migraines can sometimes become so bad that they leave me in agony and unable to function. Before I knew what they were, I would feel one coming and lay down in bed, gritting my teeth until it passed. I tried taking aspirin, but it didn’t do anything to help the pain. They would only come once every other week or so, but when they did come I was in a world of hurt, and I needed something to provide relief.

But my tension headaches are even more frequent, and can be just as immobilizing. After a few hours at work or school, my forehead and eyes suffer from an intense dull pressure that is intolerable. In class, I found it hard to keep my mind on the lecture and struggling to take decent notes. Upon entering the workforce, I found that after three hours of work I was completely handicapped by my headaches, making it hard to get anything done.

One night after a particularly bad migraine attack, I couldn’t take it anymore. I made my way to the nearest Wal-Mart and scanned the pain relief section in search or help.

That’s when I found Equate Headache Relief and Ibuprofen tablets–the pills that, to this very day, help me contain my migraines and tension headaches.

What attracted me to the Equate brand of pain relief was the price. I saw name-brand pain relievers on the shelf for almost double the price of Equate’s products, and decided to compare the active ingredients. They were exactly the same for Headache Relief, with 250mg acetaminophen, 250mg aspirin, and 65mg caffeine (caffeine helps absorption of pain relief chemicals). Then I checked Ibuprofen, and found that it too had the same active ingredient as the name brand-200mg NSAID. Absolutely no ingredient difference, but available for a fraction of the price.

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The pain center was telling my brain “don’t take a chance, get the good stuff,” but the poor college student in me was saying “it’s exactly the same formula, don’t waste your money!” Well, I’m proud to say that the poor college student won. I purchased the Equate products, and I’m very glad I did.

The next day at work I took an ibuprofen tablet when I began to feel a tension headache coming on. And within twenty minutes or so, I felt almost completely better. I still felt a little pressure on my forehead and eyes, but it wasn’t painful and I was able to forget my headache completely for the rest of the day. The next time I got a headache I stepped my medicine up and took two tablets; my headache was almost completely eliminated, and since that day I have never gone to work for a single day without having pain relief pills at my disposal.

Ibuprofen was great after my root canal procedure, as my tooth was extremely swollen and throbbing with extreme pain. I popped two ibuprofen tablets and within half an hour I felt so much better that I almost forgot I ever had a toothache to begin with.

Ibuprofen also helps with muscle aches and fever. Whenever I get sick with a cold or flu, I always take an ibuprofen every few hours to get rid of the pounding headache and fever that are just torture to the body. The Equate Ibuprofen helps your cold and flu symptoms so much that without them, the difference is like night and day. If I forget to take a pill for a few hours, my body heats up and my headache starts pounding and I remember to take another-and I also remember how grateful I am to have a stock of them nearby.

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The next time I got a tension headache, I decided to give the headache tablets. They worked even faster than the ibuprofen, and got rid of my headache completely. Twenty minutes after taking them, my head felt as if a headache had never existed. And the caffeine gave me a boost of energy that helped propel me through my day.

But relief of migraines is where the headache pills really shine. Ibuprofen won’t do much, if anything, to prevent a migraine, but the acetaminophen in headache pills knock most migraines right out. If you don’t suffer from migraines, you probably don’t know that you can sometimes feel when a migraine is approaching. A tingling sensation behind your eye can sometimes alert you, and whenever I feel a migraine coming, I quickly pop two headache pills and it knocks it right out. I still feel pain for a short amount of time, but it’s a lot less severe and is nothing more than a dull discomfort until the pills have time to kick in.

If I’ve just eaten and feel a migraine approaching, I’ve found that three pills are needed to achieve complete relief. The bottle says to only take two, but when I feel extreme pain coming I do anything I can to get rid of it.

These products don’t do any more than any name brand substitute. They simply relieve pain quickly and effectively-but at an extremely low cost. At my local Wal-Mart last week, both the headache relief and ibuprofen tablets were less than $1 for a pack of 24, and $2.50 for a pack of 100. At the grocery store, I couldn’t find a 24-pack of ibuprofen for less than $3-not even the store brand product.

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The headache pills are white and round, and relatively small. They’re coated like ordinary aspirin, and shouldn’t be too much trouble swallowing. The ibuprofen tables are long and capsule-shaped, and come in a very peculiar bright orange color in the 100-pack. They’re extremely easy to swallow.

I doubt you can find a similar product for less, but the Equate products have worked well for a chronic headache sufferer like me. Migraines are tough to get rid of, and Equate knocked it out just as well as other name brand pain relievers I’ve tried. I highly recommend them.

Taking too many headache tablets or ibuprofen-in excess of 6 or 8 a day of either-can be very hazardous to your stomach and liver, so make sure to read the label carefully and follow its directions before using either of these products.