Easy Ideas to Help You Quit Smoking

It may not be the best idea to go “cold turkey,” when you’re trying to quit smoking. Some have succeeded this way, but for most, it’s a day to day ordeal trying to give up the habit.

Smokers have all heard how smoking can cause heart disease and lung cancer, but still continue to smoke.

When my husband used to smoke, he couldn’t even get out of bed without smoking a cigarette. He smoked 3-4 packs a day, and often lit a fresh cigarette before finishing the last one. Once he made up his mind to quit, he quit “cold “turkey,” but was grouchy and irritable for several weeks. Food started tasting better to him, and he started to gain weight, another unfortunate side effect of quitting.

This article will look at different ways that smokers can kick the habit. Keep in mind that each person is different, so what will work for one person may not work for another.

Nicotine Patch

Available in 6-week or 10-week treatment patches, the Nicotine Patch supplies a steady dosage of nicotine throughout the day. Cravings are reduced since the smoker is receiving the nicotine through the patch. A new patch is applied to the upper body each day, and taken off at night. Some brands are just worn in the daytime, while others are worn at night as well.

The down side of using the patch is that a box can run up to $200. If it’s prescribed by your doctor, your health insurer may pick up some of the cost.

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Nicotine Gum

Nicotine gum such as Nicoderm, Nicorette, and Nicotinell, deliver nicotine to the body. Sold over the counter in individual foil packages, each piece contains roughly, 2 to 4 mg of nicotine, about the same content as 1-2 cigarettes. The appropriate dose depends on the smoking habits of the user. To make it taste better, flavors like orange and mint are available.

Chew the gum until you notice a tingly sensation or a peppery taste. The gum is then pressed between the cheeks and gum. After the tingly sensation stops, chew the gum again and then pinch it between your cheek and gum in a different part of the mouth. Continue in this matter until all the nicotine is depleted, about 30 minutes.

The down side of using nicotine gum is that it can have unpleasant side effects. These side effects include:


Throat irritation from accidental swallowing of saliva with nicotine

Gum disease after long-term use

Critics of nicotine gum argue that the user can become addicted to the gum, and that nicotine gum is expensive, costing about 40 cents per dose.


Many people are trying hypnosis to help them kick their habit to cigarettes. Immediate results can be felt from hypnosis because it addresses the subconscious mind. It can strengthen your motivation to quit and can lower or eliminate your craving for nicotine.

The downside of hypnosis,is that sometimes the patient doesn’t really want to quit, so hypnosis will not work. You may require more than one session with the hypnotist, which can add up to a lot of money.

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Smoking Cessation Programs

Many organizations offer smoking cessation programs. Some have a cost, others do not. You come in by appointment, and the staff will work with you on the best way to manage cravings, smoking triggers, and to handle withdrawal symptoms.

Self-monitoring is necessary. You may be instructed to keep a diary to record how many cigarettes you’re smoking, time, place, and your mood. Self-monitoring increases your awareness of how much you’re smoking and may be able to help you reduce your intake.

Here are some easy tips that you may want to try in your fight to kick the habit.

Make it inconvenient to smoke- Keep cigarettes in the car when you’re in the house and in the house when you’re in the car. Buy only one pack of cigarettes at a time, and buy a brand you don’t like.

Enlist the support of family and friends- Tell everyone you know that you’re trying to quit smoking.

Take it one day at a time

Join a support group- Associating with others that are trying to quit smoking, will strength your resolve and motivation.

