Benefits of Apples & Apple Juice

Benefits Of Apples & apple juice: Visit: or

Certain fruits & vegetables will enhancing memory & prevent all kinds of cancers .

Science Daily (Aug. 1, 2006) — For those who think that apple juice is a kid’s drink, think again. Apples & apple juice may be among the best foods that baby boomers & senior citizens could add to their diet, according to new research that demonstrates how apple products can help boost brain function similar to medication . Apple juice cannot only help to keep 1s mind functioning at its best, but may also be able to delay key aspects of Alzheimer’s disease & augment therapeutic approaches. Dr . Shea commented that “These findings provide further evidence linking nutritional & genetic risk factors for age-related neurodegeneration & suggest regular consumption of apple juice cannot only help to keep 1s mind functioning at its best, but may also delay key aspects of Alzheimer’s disease & augment therapeutic approaches. Apple juice consumption may actually increase production in brain of essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine, resulting in improved memory.

Alzheimer’s medication studies start with the premise that increasing amount of acetylcholine in brain can help to slow mental decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Among those fed apple juice-supplemented diet, mice showed an increased production of acetylcholine in their brains. Earlier studies by Shea’s research team had strongly suggested apples must possess a unique mix of antioxidants that improve cognition & memory. Shea concludes, “The findings of present study show consumption of antioxidant-rich foods: apples & apple juice can help reduce problems associated with memory loss.”

August 1, 2006 — New research demonstrates apple products can help boost brain function similar to medication. Animal research from University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates apple juice can be a useful supplement for calming declining moods that are part of normal progression of moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease.

Results obtained were from animals consuming moderate amounts of apple juice –comparable to drinking approximately two 8 oz. glasses of apple juice or eating 2-3 apples a day. The findings also suggest that the apple-supplemented diet was most helpful in the framework of an overall healthy diet.

Shea concludes, “The findings of the present study show that consumption of antioxidant-rich foods: apples & apple juice can help reduce problems associated with memory loss.” This study sponsored by unrestricted grant by U.S. Apple Ass. & Apple Products Research & Ed. Council.

Apple Juice Can Delay Onset Of Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Suggests (Jan. 24, 2009) — A growing body of evidence demonstrates we can take steps to delay age-related cognitive decline Alzheimer’s disease, according to study in Apple Juice Improves Behavior but Not Cognition in Alzheimer’s Patients, Study Finds (June 16, 2010) —

Apple juice can be useful supplement for calming declining moods that’re part of normal progression of moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease.

Apple Juice Can Delay Onset Of Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Suggests (Jan. 24, 2009) — A growing body of evidence demonstrates we can take steps to delay age-related cognitive decline, & cases that which accompanies Alzheimer’s disease.

New research from University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) demonstrates apple products can help boost brain function similar to medication.

Cloudy apple juice has 4 times concentration of polyphenols (chemicals reported to have anti-cancer activity) than clear. Researchers worldwide are discovering a cornucopia of compounds in foods & dietary supplements, raspberries, blueberries & grape seed extract show promise for preventing more effectively inhibit cancer development than single agent. Black raspberries are highly effective in preventing colorectal tumors & have been studied for decades by scientists & medical researchers interested in fruits’ apparent ability to limit onset or severity of degenerative diseases

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Components of black raspberries have found to have chemopreventive potential. Anthocyanins, a class of flavonoids in black raspberries, inhibited growth & stimulated apoptosis in the esophagus.

Alzheimer’s Disease To Quadruple Worldwide By 2050 (June 11, 2007) — More than 26 million people worldwide were estimated to be living with Alzheimer’s disease in 2006 , according to a study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Study Predicts Risk of Memory Loss in Healthy, Older Adults (Jan. 24, 2011) — The combined results of a genetic blood test & a 5 min. functional MRI done by researchers successfully classified more than 3-quarters of healthy older adults.

Depression Increases Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Suggests ( Apr. 10, 2008) — People who have had depression are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than people who’ve never had depression, according to new study involved 486 people age 60 to 90.

Cloudy Apple Juice Four Times Healthier Than Clear (Jan. 16, 2007) — Cloudy apple juice has 4 times concentration of polyphenols (chemicals reported to have anti-cancer activity) than clear.

Apple Juice Improves Behavior but Not Cognition in Alzheimer’s Patients, Study Finds (June 16, 2010) — Apple juice can be a useful supplement for calming the declining moods that are part of the normal progression of moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new …

In Flurry Of Studies, Researcher Details Role Of Apples In Inhibiting Breast Cancer (Feb. 18, 2009) — Six studies published in past year by Cornell researcher add to growing evidence that an apple a day — as well as daily helpings of other fruits & vegetables.

“An Apple Peel A Day Might Keep Cancer At Bay” Science Daily (June 3, 2007) — according to anew Cornell study. Cornell researchers have identified 12 compounds — triterpenoids — in apple peel that either inhibit or kill cancer cells in laboratory cultures. 3 compounds haven’t previously been described in literature.

Apple consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic health problems: lung cancer, heart disease, & stroke. Traditional advice on eating apple peel was based mainly on its fiber content, with peel packing about 75 %of dietary fiber in an apple. Scientists have shown apple peel contains beneficial phytochemicals believed to be responsible for “apple-a-day-keeps-the-doctor-away” effect & , “Eat your vegetables!” Dec. 7, 2007) — researchers present latest findings on cancer prevention.


Consumption Of Fruits May Reduce Risk HYPERLINK “/releases/2008/01/080130130553.htm”Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Apples, bananas, oranges most common fruits in both Western & Asian diets, are important sources of vitamins, minerals, & fiber. February 26, 2001 — Researchers at UC Davis School of Medicine have determined drinking apple juice & eating apples has beneficial effect against heart disease.

Animal research from University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates apple juice consumption may actually increase production brain essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine, resulting in improved memory. Neurotransmitters: acetylcholine are chemical messages released from nerve cells transmit to other nerve cells, this communication is vital for good health, in the brain, & throughout the body.

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“We anticipate the day when foods like apples, apple juice & apple products are recommended along with most popular Alzheimer’s medications,” says Thomas Shea, Ph.D., director of UML Center for Cellular Neurobiology & Neurodegeneration Research.

The study will be published in the August issue of the international Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The abstract is now available online at .
The role of acetylcholine in the brain is not a new area of research. Alzheimer’s medication studies start with the premise that increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain can help to slow mental decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Testing a similar hypothesis, the UML research team found that having animals consume antioxidant-rich apple juice had a comparable & beneficial effect.
Earlier studies by Shea’s research team had strongly suggested apples must possess a unique mix of antioxidants that improve cognition & memory via inhibition(suppress/hold) of oxidation in the brain. Those results encouraged Shea to evaluate the neurotransmitter effect, as is done in the current study. Medications given to humans with Alzheimer’s disease have been shown to inhibit the production of specific enyzmes (cholinesterase inhibitors) break down acetylcholine in the brain. End result in animal study is similar — there’re more of these critical messengers remaining in brain to enhance memory.


Cancer Info & Tips : liver, colon & breast cancer cells & may be partially responsible for anti-cancer activities of whole apples.

We found that several compounds have potent anti-proliferative activities against human er foods that appear to be have anti-cancer properties, including inhibiting tumor growth in human breast cancer cells.

“We recommend consumers to eat 5 to 12 servings of a wide variety of fruits & vegetables daily is appropriate to reduce risks of chronic diseases, & to meet nutrient requirements for optimum health.

Apples & fruits & vegetables appear to be have anti-cancer properties, including inhibiting tumor growth in human breast cancer cells, says Rui Hai Liu, Cornell associate professor of food science.

Broccoli May Lower Lung Cancer Risk In Smokers (Nov. 19, 2008) — Cancer preventive properties of broccoli & other cruciferous vegetables appear to work specifically in smokers.

Diet May Reduce Risk Of Prostate Cancer (June 4, 2009) — Diet low in fat & low in red meat ; high in fruits & vegetables diet , have a beneficial effect on prevention of prostate cancer .

Fruits, Vegetables & Teas May Protect Smokers From Lung Cancer, Researchers Report (May 31, 2008) — Tobacco smokers who eat 3 servings of fruits & vegetables per day & drink green or black tea may be protecting themselves from lung cancer, according to a 1st-of-its-kind study by cancer Fruits & vegetables high in antioxidants are staples in many cancer-fighting diets .

Good Diet & Gardening Linked To Lower Lung Cancer Risk (Dec. 8, 2007) — By simply eating 4 or more servings of green salad a week & working in garden 1 or 2 times a week, smokers & nonsmokers alike may be able to substantially reduce risk.

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Eating balanced diet & preparing your food in correct way may be your best defense against developing cancer.

Moderate consumption of red wine may decrease risk of lung cancer in men. The most substantial risk reduction was among smokers who drank 1 glass of red wine per day with largest meal dinner or supper.

Fruits & vegetables high in antioxidants are staples in many cancer-fighting diets . New research demonstrates that apple products can help boost brain function similar to medication. Animal research from University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) _____________________________________________________

Alzheimer’s Info & Tips:

Alzheimer’s Starts Earlier For Heavy Drinkers, Smokers (Apr. 16, 2008) — develop Alzheimer’s or dementia disease years earlier than people with Alzheimer’s who don’t drink or smoke heavily, according to new Smokers Are More Likely To Develop Dementia (Sep. 6, 2007) — according to new study followed nearly 7,000 people age 55.

Heavy Smoking in Midlife May Be Associated With Dementia in Later Years (Oct. 26, 2010) — Heavy smoking in middle age appears to be associated with more than double the risk for Alzheimer’s disease & other forms of dementia 2 decades later.

Marijuana worsens breathing problems 2nd hand Smoke Increases Risk Of Dementia (May 2, 2007) — Exposure to 2nd hand tobacco smoke increases risk of developing dementia. Baby’s 1st Full Diaper Reveals Mother’s Smoking (Aug. 27, 2010) — meconium, dark & tarry stools during 1st few days after birth, determines how much she smoked, or if she was exposed to tobacco smoke during 2nd hand smoke exposure associated with chronic sinus disease (Apr. 20, 2010) — Individuals who are exposed to more 2nd hand smoke in private and public settings appear more likely to have chronic rhinosinusitis. 2nd hand smoke associated with psychiatric distress, illness (June 8, 2010) — Exposure to 2nd hand smoke appears to be associated with psychological distress & risk of future psychiatric hospitalization among healthy adults. Teens between 12 &17

Drinking Heavy Amounts Of Alcohol Shrinks Your Brain (May 3, 2007) — Drinking heavy amounts of alcohol over a long period of time decreases brain volume, according to new research study found in people drink alcohol on a regular basis.

Halving Daily Cigarette Quota Has No Health Benefit ( Nov. 29, 2006) — reducing consumption of cigarettes smoked every day in belief it will stave off an early death makes no difference, suggests research in Tobacco Control.

Heavy Drinkers Consume Less Over Time, but Not at ‘Normal’ Levels, Study Finds (Oct. 28, 2010) — Problem drinkers in general population may reduce amount of alcohol they consume over a period of years but not to the level of the average adult.

Teen Binge Drinkers Risk & Social Exclusion As Adults (Sep. 10, 2007) — Teen binge drinkers significantly likely to become heavy drinking adults & with string of criminal convictions, says new study. ____________________________________________________