How to Save Money with Online Pet Meds

Saving money with online pet meds was once the preserve of the risk taker. Nowadays purchases of pet’s medicine over the internet can be straightforward and an extremely good way to save a fortune whilst keeping your pet’s health in tip-top condition. Here are a few points to remember, when looking to buy your pet’s medications online.

  1. Always speak to your vet first, about what product is right for your pet. Of course nothing can replace the help and advice of a qualified veterinarian, so whenever you are concerned about your pet’s health they should be your first ‘port of call.
  2. Ask your vet for the best price of each pet medication they can offer. This gives you a starting point on which to base your online search. If savings are not forthcoming online, perhaps buying from your vet would be a good way to support this important member of your community. Do not be embarrassed about price-checking your vet. After all, they know discount pet meds may be better bought elsewhere, but they may know of deals for bulk purchases which could make your life a little easier and cheaper too. Plus, its better your vet knows you are following their advice on your pets health, even if you’re buying elsewhere.
  3. Armed with the brand of your pet’s medicine your vet recommends, research generic products. Most vets do not stock generics, but check, maybe you will be lucky with yours. The large online pet med stores usually have a wide range of generics on offer. Generic products are governed by the same safety and quality legislation as the big name brands, so there is nothing to be feared from opting for these cheaper alternatives. Before buying a generic pet medicine, note down the volume of each active ingredient included in the recommended brand. Your generic alternative should have exactly the same active component, and the same volume of it. If so, you know the generic is offering the same health benefits as the branded version.
  4. Consider buying pets medications from overseas. But, choose a country with similar standards as your own. Choosing an online pet med store in the US, Canada, Europe or Australia will ensure the standard of the products is of the same high level. Do not be tempted to buy from regions you suspect have lower levels of regulation regarding pets medications, or a history of counterfeit production.
  5. Think about prescription free pet medicines. Firstly there may be perfectly acceptable alternatives to the recommended product which are prescription free. For example choosing Interceptor heartworm pills requires a prescription even in Canada, but switching to Heartgard Plus means you can buy from a Canadian pet pharmacy without a prescription.
  6. Pay by credit card of PayPal to ensure your transaction is safe.
  7. Price check everything. Armed with the knowledge about what your vet will charge, you’re looking for discount pet medicines. But, the largest online pet pharmacies often offer the lowest discounts. Yes, they are usually cheaper than your vet, but their prices differ wildly. Big name brands of flea control for example can be found with savings of an additional 30% just by looking at slightly less famous online retailers.
  8. Use a site you trust. Nothing beats a personal recommendation, but don’t forget too, common sense is key. Any online retailer should have a privacy policy, clear returns and delivery information, just to start. If you have any reservations about a site order elsewhere.
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The online pets medicine market is growing extremely quickly, as more pet owners look for ways to save money. There is no need to fear this cheaper source of your pets medications. Just keep your wits about you, double check everything and trust your instinct and you can save money with online pet meds too.

For information about discount fleas treatments, heartworm medicine and other pets medications follow the links to my other work.