Dedicated to My Husband Daniel and Precious Daughter Olivia!

Precious husband Daniel and Precious daughter Olivia

You both are there in my lives for so many reasons

My daughter is an apple of my one eye and my husband is apple of my other eye.

You both is all that I could wish for in my life.

How can I ever thank God for sending both of you in my life.

You both made my life complete and whole.

You both are my heart and soul

You both are great love of my life.

You both are special to me because you are my husband, she is our daughter.

You both are my everything, and I love you both more than you could ever possibly imagine.

You both have brought so much happiness to my world and I will always be grateful for both of you,

Jesus shines through both of you in more ways than you both realize.

My love for both of you is unconditional.

Daniel, we’ve been through a lot together, and after all these years we just keep getting better and better together.

Dear husband, sometimes your quiet actions go unnoticed

Your steadfast love and commitment are such a blessing to me

Being the good husband and good father is a blessing God has bestowed.

Our marriage is stronger because of the love for God in each other and we are more in love now than we were before.

Olivia you are so creative, so generous, kind, inquisitive, interesting, loving, funny, supportive, and helpful beautiful little Godly child.

Your laugh makes me smile, no matter how sad I feel

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I know you’ll be the most amazing Godly woman someday.

You are, and will always be, one of my proudest accomplishments in life.

Please, with all my heart, never forget how much I love you my beloved husband and daughter. How truly blessed I am to have you both.

Olivia, I am proud to be your mother because since from the tiny baby you have incredible love for our Lord Jesus Christ. The 2nd word you learnt next to mother was Jesus. You always say since from baby that you were married to Jesus in heaven and you are the bride of Christ. There is no single day you have not expressed your love for Jesus Christ. In everything you are a witness for Christ. Every time through out the day and night you show your passion for our Lord Jesus Christ. I love when you wanted to dress up like a bride of Christ in your school fancy dress, when all kids have dressed up worldly.Im blessed to know that you love Jesus Christ with all your mind, heart, soul and strength even from the day you started to talk as a baby. The Holy Spirit is working in you since from the baby you are to us. When other children of your age go to bed with dolls and stuffed animals, you go to bed with bible, Jesus statue by listening to the godly songs and bible stories .You are very special child with the grace of God in the world. You are born in this world with Godly purpose.

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Daniel, Thank you for working so hard to take care of family needs. Daniel I am very thankful for your love, affection, understanding, help and support during my 2nd pregnancy.

My Prayer is to thank God for you for being my husband to complete my life. I’m so grateful that you complete my life with love and cherish all the days of my life.

I am forever devoted to you to my husband. I thank you for your gifts of love and for your love for me and for our children. Lord God keep my husband and daughter in your care and helps us to stay close as a family in the midst of trials. Help us to face the difficulties together and to live a long life together as you be the guide of our path.