Down With Daniel (A Play Adapted from Daniel and the Lions’ Den)

Cast of Characters:

God (continually represented)
Old King Darius (A merry old soul)
Daniel ( protagonist )
The Two Princes ( Also known as the “Diabolical Duo”)
Lion (Cool Cats/ Optional: puppet may wear sunglass to shown coolness)

Act 1/ Scene 1

Narrator begins introducing tale. Darius and Daniel puppet will be players.

Narrator: In a land far away and a time before you, your mammy, pappy, and grandpappy were born, there was an Old king named Darius. (Darius enters scene.)

Darius: Hello, kids!

Narrator: Now Darius was the man in charge. (puppet make as quick comment : “That’s right!”/ narrator continues)-but even a man in charge needs help running a big kingdom. So Old king Darius made princes and other great men to help him. (Two puppets enter scene representing princes and great men)

Darius: Get to work, chums, and don’t spare the time! (All puppets leave scene/ prepare for scene two)

Scene 2:

Narrator: Among these great men was Daniel (puppet enters scene doing a gig as he comes singing the refrain to “Victory is Mine”/ Narrator continues) Daniel was a righteous man. That means he was a good guy. He was honest, he ate his vegetables, and he always gave thanks to God for everything.

Daniel(Praying): Thank you God for keeping me in good health, for my clothes and riches, and for giving me this fancy little gig, Amen. (puppet returns to gig/ narrator returns)

Narrator: As I said, he thanked God for everything. You should thank God for everything you have like food, parents that love you, and don’t forget to thank God for loving you too! Now, Old king Darius liked Daniel as a father would a son. (Darius enters scene)

Darius: You know Daniel, you’re a good man. Your honest, true, and that gig-wow! It makes me wanna take my skinny legs and boogie down! (Darius starts to boogie) I like your ways Daniel, my boy, I’m going t make you in charge of all my great men, on one condition.

Daniel: What?
Darius: Teach me that gig.

Narrator: So Daniel and Old king Darius boogied down all day long, as Daniel thank God always (Puppets dance as curtain closes/ narrator speaks) Boys and Girls , don’t forget to thank God when he bless you as he did with Daniel. Think of some blessings God has given you. The Bible says: In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you (I Thess. 5:6). So, when God does something for you, don’t forget to thank him (Narration ends/ prepare for Act 2)

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Act 2/ Scene1

Diabolical Duo plots against Daniel / Two princes and Daniel in scene as curtain opens. Daniel is gigging merrily.

Note: Children may boo and hiss villains. Hinder them not.

P1(prince 1): Man, that Daniel really makes me mad.
P2(prince 2): Yeah.

P1: He honest
P2: Yeah.
P1: He’s the king’s pet!
P2: Yeah.
P1: And that gig-it makes me sick, yuck! (puppets mimic vomiting/ narrator)

Narrator: Now, everyone, don’t be like the princes. Not only were they being nasty towards Daniel, they were unthankful to God. Remember what God has done for you. He put breath in you body to breath, take a deep breath and know that it’s God that has done it. But the princes were not thankful and sought to hurt Daniel.

P2: So what are we to do with the goodie-to-shoes?
P1: We can’t find fault with him over his character, but he serves his God. That, my wicked friend, gives me an idea.

P2: So, Daniel is-
P1: Going down.

Option: wicked laughter may proceed.
(Curtain closes/ Prepare Act3)

Act 3/ Scene1

Diabolical Duo and Old king Darius in scene as curtain opens/ narrator begins.

Narrator: The diabolical duo planned a wicked scheme against Daniel. They presented their plan to Darius.

P1: Old kind Darius, you’re a merry old soul.
P2: And a merry old soul are thee!
Darius: You’re right, chums, I am merry. I think I’ll do that gig Daniel taught me (Darius gigs)

Two princes whisper to each other.

P1: Pull yourself together, man!

( Dialogue returns to all three)

P1: My king, you are great and so wise that everyone should only talk to you about being thankful. I have a royal scroll with a law.
Darius: What is it?

(Puppet brings up a large scroll. Opens it over stage towards children.)

P2: It states that if any man talks to their God about being thankful and not to you, O King, for the next month, they must be thrown into the DEN OF LIONS!!!!

Option: Dramatic music may follow after DEN OF LIONS

Darius: No, not the den of lions.
P1: Yes, my wise king.
Darius: You mean the den where the lions are?
P1: Yes, my great king.
Darius: You mean the place we call “THE DEN OF NO RETURN.”
P2: Yes, yes (emphasized) that is what we are saying!

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Narrator: The diabolical duo continued to explain the importance of the law and finally King Darius signed the scroll (Darius brings out large pen. Signs scroll and leaves scene)

P2: Ha, ha Daniel will be no more!!

Option: Wicked laughter may proceed
(Curtain closes for Act 4)

Act 4/ Scene 1

Daniel at home praying. Narrator begins. Curtain opens.

Narrator: When Daniel heard of the law, did he quit? NO. Did he fear? I think not. You know what he did? He continued thanking God even when it was hard.

Daniel: Thank you God for this time. Many have plotted against me, but you are my comfort, thank you.

Narrator: Kids, when you’re sad or angry or if people are treating you bad, remember that God is for you. His word says – If God be for us who can be against us (Rom 8:31). God will keep you safe and take care of you.
Now, at that moment the two princes saw Daniel thanking God and were ready to trap him.

(Princes enter scene.)

P2: Hey, how did we get in his house?
P1: Shhh! Look at him.
P2: Excellent, we have him just where we want him.
P1: It was the perfect trap.
P2: Ha, ha, ha-
P1: Shhh! I don’t want him to hear us. We’ll laugh wickedly outside, come on.

Curtain closes/ prepare for scene2/ narrator speaks as curtain opens/ Darius and princes on stage.

Scene 2

Narrator: The princes immediately told the king what they saw.

P1: O king Darius, remember the law you signed?
Darius: Of course.
P2: We found a man who has broken it.
Darius: What!? Give me the scoundrel’s name. The lions shall have a good dinner tonight.
P2: Daniel had broken the law.

Darius: NO (short pause) Not Daniel.
P1: Yes, Daniel.
Darius: You mean the one who prays and gives thanks to God for everything.
P1: Yes.
Darius: The very man who taught me how to gig and whose spirit makes me want to boogie down!?
P2: Yes, yes (emphasize) that’s who we are talking about!

Narrator: Old King Darius did everything he could to save Daniel. He cried, he yelled, he even tried to boogie down to convince the princes that the law was bad. But nothing could be done. ( Curtian closes/ prepare for final act)

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Act 5/ Scene1

Princes, Darius, and Daniel on stage. Curtain opens as narrator speaks.

Narrator: At the den of lions, the king was sad.

Darius: The God that you serve and give thanks to will save you.
Daniel: He will, O king, he will.

P1: (Laughing) Whatever!
P2: Nice knowing you, Daniel. Not so happy now, eh?
(Princes laugh/ curtain closes for scene 2)

Note: Puppets act out as narrator reads in scene two.

Scene 2

Daniel in prayer. Lion with glasses in scene.

Narrator: In the den, (Curtain opens) God knew of Daniel’s trouble ( lion slowly walks over to Daniel with mouth open) and he sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions (a rubber band can be use to simulate closing of the mouth) Daniel was not harmed because he was innocent.
The next day, Old king Darius came to the cave and called for Daniel.

(Darius enters scene)

Darius: Daniel, Daniel has the God you serve saved you?

(Pause for effect)

Daniel (popping up): I’m well, my king. The Lord closed the mouths of those nasty lions and spared me.
Darius: Thank goodness.
Daniel: No, thank God.

(Diabolical Duo enters scene.)

P1: W-What’s going on?
P2: Daniel is back in action! I think I’m going to puke!
Darius: So you like picking on innocent people, eh?

P1&P2;: UH- UH-UH.
Darius: Like feeding them to the lions, eh?
P1&P2;: UH-UH-UH.

Darius: Well, to the den with both of thee!

P1: (Fearful tone) Surely you’re joking, sir.
Darius: I’m not.

(Lion pops up and grabs both puppets, simulating a slow and painful death.)

Narrator: So remember kids, no matter what the trouble, thank God on the double and He’ll always be there for you. Once the lions finished dinner (Option: Burping sound) Daniel prospered in the kingdom doing his fancy gig, as Old King Darius took his skinny legs and boogied down. (Puppets gig/ Curtain closes)

The end.