The Night Pres. Nixon Showed Real Dead Alien Bodies to Jackie Gleason

Although you kids reading this may be unfamiliar with Jackie Gleason due to the stringently enforced rule currently in effect that disallows any film made before 2000 from ever airing on American television apart from Turner Classic Movies, the actor popularly known as The Great One was one of the most recognizable faces in the entertainment industry for almost half a century. He nearly won as Oscar for The Hustler, was the director’s choice for the role of Popeye Doyle in The French Connection, and created one of the most beloved sitcoms in television history, The Honeymooners. He also is said to have been invited by Pres. Richard Nixon to view real bleeping dead alien bodies.

If that sounds like a particularly strange occurrence, you should first know that Jackie Gleason had had a nearly lifelong obsession with UFOs before this event ever (allegedly) took place; to the point of even building a saucer-shaped house at one point. According to several people, Gleason, a notorious pool player, had decorated his billiard room with a plethora of books about UFOs. The story about that fateful trip with Richard Nixon goes essentially like this. Nixon and Gleason were golfing one day and it seems the conversation got around to UFOs near the end of the course. Apparently Gleason was not the only member of that half-foursome fascinated by flying saucers and little green men. Or little gray men, as they would be referred to today. Gleason and Nixon finished out their game and Gleason went home. But the day wasn’t over quite yet.

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Later that night Gleason was awakened to find Nixon standing in his doorway. No Secret Service agents or entourage, just Nixon and his private car. Telling him, he wanted to take him someplace special, Gleason got into the passenger’s seat while Nixon drove straight to Homestead Air Force Base. After greeting an appropriately stunned MP at the gate, Nixon drove Gleason to a large warehouse at the farthest end of the military base. According to those whom Gleason told this story to, inside that building were large containers that looked like freezers with a glass top. And inside those containers were what looked like children, but upon closer inspection appeared to be quite old. They were also, according to Gleason, quite mangled as though they’d been in a crash.

Gleason’s reaction to unqualified proof of the existence of alien life? Apparently he took it as another excuse to consume vast amounts of alcohol. Who wouldn’t? Well, me, since I don’t drink, but you get what I mean. Traumatized by confronting firsthand two shocking truths, that aliens exist and that the government was covering them up, Gleason apparently spiraled down a three week existence of not being able to eat or sleep, unable to comprehend why the government was keeping such profound knowledge a secret.

Good thing he’s not around today; it would probably kill him to find out what the government keeps secret during these times.


Jackie Gleason says Nixon showed him ETs