Should I Wean My Baby from Breastfeeding to Formula?

I breastfed my daughter until she was 1 ½ years old, and looking back, I wish I had breastfed her longer. She was already using big girl sippy cups, but I wasn’t ready to lose that very special bond. I loved breastfeeding, and I always dreaded the day when it would come to an end. As my baby daughter grew older, I cherished each moment we had, and I made a conscious effort to think about how special breastfeeding was each and every time I held her close.

I recently noticed a question on a forum that asked for advice on how to wean a 10 month old baby that refuses formula. I immediately wondered why the mother wanted to wean the baby from breastfeeding at the age of 10 months. Not knowing the circumstance I wouldn’t condemn the mother’s decision to wean her baby and switch to formula, but the question sparked an immediate answer in my mind.

Is it Necessary to Wean?

If you’re wanting to wean your baby from breastfeeding, and if the baby is under a year old, ask yourself if it’s necessary to switch the baby to formula. If it isn’t necessary, keep on breastfeeding. Your baby is used to getting his or her nutrition from the breast, and if your baby is refusing other means of sustenance and you don’t have to wean, it’s important to keep it up and not attempt to wean until the child is at least a year old.

As my toddler’s first birthday approached, the thought of weaning her from the breast entered my mind, but it wasn’t something I wanted to do, and she definitely wasn’t ready. Although she wouldn’t require formula, it was still a very difficult choice. Unfortunately many breastfeeding mothers feel pressured by family members, as well as society, to stop breastfeeding when the baby reaches his or her first year.

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It was a heartbreaking moment when I decided it was time to stop breastfeeding. I don’t care about the expectations of society, but when my toddler was about 18 months old, I must admit I felt pressured by my family to wean my child. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. If I could go back I would have continued to breastfeed my daughter until she was at least two, and if someone had a problem with it I would have told them it was MY choice.

It’s Your Choice

If you’re being pressured by someone to stop breastfeeding and switch to formula, take a stand, and make it very clear that you won’t wean until you and your toddler decide it’s time to move on to a cup. Unfortunately, society still doesn’t completely accept breastfeeding for a variety of reasons, and many people feel they have a right to tell breastfeeding moms when they should wean their child.

If you want to continue breastfeeding your baby, by all means keep doing so. If your child enjoys breastfeeding, don’t switch to formula, and don’t give up. Only you and your baby can decide when it’s time to wean. You know what’s best for your baby, and if you’ve chosen breastfeeding, formula isn’t required. It’s your choice!