Creative Ways to Induce Labor

You’re a few days passed your baby due date, your belly feels like it’s going to burst, all of a sudden you feel a sharp pain in your belly thinking it’s a contraction, and what do you know it’s a Braxton Hicks a fake contraction. You want this baby out now you have your bags packed ready go, all your contact information for family is set, but no baby yet what can you do to induce your labor? There are natural ways to induce your labor like having sex, walking, massaging your belly, nipple stimulation and even eating certain foods will help induce your labor, but what happens if you tried all of these home remedies and nothing happens then what can you do to get the baby to arrive now?

Eat Fresh Pineapple

Many women swear by this. They say the pineapple helps to soften the cervix and could possibly bring on labor. Pineapple or pineapple juice has many great benefits, but to induce your labor the pineapple must be fresh. Why must the pineapple be fresh and not canned? Fresh Pineapple contains an ingredient called Bromelain, but in the canned pineapple or pineapple juice the Bromelanin is destroyed in the process therefore the results of inducing your labor will be minimal. From what I was told one full bowl of pineapple should do work, but expect to go to the bathroom a few times also. Pineapple can cause some people to have very loose stools.

Red Raspberry Delight

These berries are one of today’s top berries. Raspberries are loaded with calcium, fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, helps you reduce stress, and can help some women induce their labor by preparing the uterine muscles and hopefully speed up the labor. How would you use raspberry to induce your labor? You can either use raspberry juice, smoothie, jam, or even a salad. The one I know of that I feel worked for me is a raspberry drink I made for myself when I was pregnant with my twins. I know twins are usually born early, but with the way my feet felt, my back ached, I wanted my twins to come out so 3 weeks before I was due I drank this raspberry drink. Did this help me induce my labor or was it just time for my twins to come out? I believe the raspberry drink really did work. All you have to do is mix a tiny bit of sugar with a few raspberries, and a touch of fresh lemon juice. Add cold water to this mixture and make sure the raspberries are fully crushed. Drink it very slowly to give it time to settle in your belly.

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Cry tears of happiness and joy by renting a funny comedy movie like 9 months

Watching a funny movie may or may not induce your labor, but will keep you at ease. When you cry your muscles contract so this could result in early labor, especially if you’re laughing and crying so much your belly starts to hurt.

Cinnamon Celery Sticks with a dash of Curry

They say eating hot spicy foods will help induce labor. You have to remember though spicy foods can also cause a lot of heartburn if consumed too much. Eat a very small dash of spice by adding curry and cinnamon to a celery stick. Clean off your celery add a sprinkle of curry and a sprinkle of cinnamon. The reason you add the cinnamon is to conquer the taste of the curry, but also cinnamon has been known to help induce labor. You can also make yourself a nice cinnamon stick tea not only will it help you induce your labor it will help calm you down. We all know the main thing is to be calm the baby will come eventually.