Complete Exercise Routine for Beginners

So you’ve decided to get in shape. Maybe it’s a New Year’s resolution, maybe it’s part of a weight loss plan, or maybe you just want to feel better about yourself. Whatever your reason, a well rounded exercise routine will tone your body, help you lose weight, and increase feelings of well-being.

You may have tried working out before but became discouraged and gave up. It’s not uncommon, and the reason most people stop working out is they don’t see results, they become discouraged, loose their motivation, and simply stop. The reason they didn’t see results can usually be attributed to not understanding how to design an effective exercise routine, and following a well designed workout routine will ensure that you see actual results.

(Terms and concepts are explained at the end of the article, along with suggestions.)

Four Week Exercise Routine for Beginners

Week One

Monday (or day one)

Bench Press – 3 Sets, 12 reps
Rows – 3 Sets, 12 Reps
Lateral Raise – 3 Sets, 10 Reps
Stair Climb – 10 Minutes


Crunches – 2 Sets, AMAP (as many as possible)
Back Extension – 2 Sets, 5 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets each, 10 Reps
Treadmill – 20 Minutes, 2-3 MPH

Wednesday – Break


Incline Press – 3 Sets, 12 reps
Lat Pulls – 3 Sets, 12 Reps
Shoulder Shrugs – 3 Sets, 10 Reps
Stair Climb – 10 Minutes


Crunches – 2 Sets, AMAP
Back extension – 2 Sets, 5 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets Each, 10 Reps
Elliptical – 20 Minutes

Week Two


Bench Press – 2 Sets, 12 Reps
Rows – 2 Sets, 12 Reps
Dips – 3 Sets, 10 reps
Stair Climb – 11 Minutes


Crunches – 2 Sets, AMAP
Back extension – 2 Sets, 5 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets Each, 10 Reps
Treadmill – 22 Minutes, 2-3 MPH

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Wednesday – Break


Incline Press – 3 Sets, 12 Reps
Lat Pulls – 3 Sets, 12 Reps
Shoulder Shrugs – 3 Sets, 10 reps
Stair Climb – 11 Minutes


Crunches – 2 Sets, AMAP
Back extension – 2 Sets, 5 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets Each, 10 Reps
Elliptical – 22 Minutes

Week Three


Decline Press – 3 Sets, 12 Reps
Upright Rows – 3 Sets, 12 Reps
Pull-ups – 2 Sets, AMAP
Stair Climb – 11 Minutes


Crunches – 2 Sets, AMAP
Back extension – 2 Sets, 8 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets Each, 10 Reps
Treadmill – 24 Minutes, 3-4 MPH

Wednesday – Break


Bench Press – 4 Sets, 10 Reps
Lat Pulls – 4 Sets, 10 Reps
Overhead Press – 2 Sets, 12 reps
Stair Climb – 12 Minutes


Crunches – 3 Sets, AMAP
Back extension – 2 Sets, 8 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets Each, 10 Reps
Elliptical – 24 Minutes

Week Four


Incline Press – 4 Sets, 10 Reps
Lat Pulls – 4 Sets, 10 Reps
Dips – 3 Sets, 10 reps
Stair Climb – 12 Minutes


Hanging Knee Raises – 2 Sets, AMAP
Back extension – 2 Sets, 10 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets Each, 10 Reps
Treadmill – 25 Minutes, 3-4 MPH

Wednesday – Break


Bench Press – 4 Sets, 10 Reps
Upright Rows – 4 Sets, 10 Reps
Pull-ups – 2 Sets, AMAP
Stair Climb – 14 Minutes


Hanging Knee Raises – 2 Sets, AMAP
Back extension – 2 Sets, 10 Reps
Adductor & Abductor – 3 Sets Each, 10 Reps
Elliptical – 26 Minutes

Terms, Concepts and Suggestions

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A rep, or repetition, is one complete movement through an exercise. For example, when bench-pressing, a rep consist of lowering the bar or handles to the chest and pushing out completely. A set is a group of repetitions followed by a rest of about 1 to 2 minutes.

Most everyone knows what a bench press is but many of the other exercises listed will be new to you. Ask the trainer on duty at your gym what an exercise is and what machine you need when you are not sure. It wont take long before you become familiar with all the terms and exercises.

When a routine suggests 10 reps, the weight or resistance should be such that the last rep of the number suggested is almost impossible to complete. So, for example, if you find that you still have enough strength left to complete more reps after you complete the tenth rep of a set suggesting 10, then you need to increase the weight or resistance of the exercise. The opposite is true if you cannot complete 10 reps when 10 are recommended.

Use weightlifting machines the first four weeks instead of free-weights. This will help prevent injuries and develop proper form for later when you move to a more advanced routine.

Practically every muscle group is targeted in the workout routine above, and the exercises change just enough to prevent your muscles from adapting to a routine and becoming complacent. Also, you can figure about 400 to 800 calories are burned during each workout session. The amount of calories you burn when you are away from the gym will increase as well.

You will notice the adductor and abductor are listed for each week. These two machines work stabilizer muscles (inner and outer thigh). They do not remove fat from these areas. It is not possible to reduce fat from only a specific area by working the muscles in that area. What these exercises do is help prevent knee and back pain by stabilizing the knees and hips when jogging on the treadmill, which is something you will do with more intensity as you progress. Building these muscles up beforehand will ensure injury free cardio workouts.

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To get the most out of your workouts, make sure you get adequate nutrition, plenty of rest, and only take endurance and strength building supplements that work. You can extend this routine past the four week mark by simply increasing resistance or weights by 10 percent each week. The cardio aspect can be increased each week as well by increasing yourtarget heart rate and increasing the duration.


Thomas D. Fahey, “Basic Weight Training for Men and Women,” McGraw-Hill

How Many Calories in a Pound, and How to Lose Weight: Calories Burned While Walking, Jogging, Running,” Associated Content

Effective Bodybuilding and Weightlifting Supplements: Which Sports Supplements Actually Build Muscle,” Associated Content

Benefits of Sports Nutrition Supplements Supplements that Increase Cardio and Muscle Endurance,” Associated Content

Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How to Calculate Target Heart Rate: Cardio for Beginners,” Associated Content