How to Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins usually show up in adulthood, building after years of doing the wrong things. Prolonged sitting, which cuts of the blood flow to the arteries, makes a significant contribution to bulging veins in the legs. Crossing the legs will expedite the problem. To have a healthy blood flow, the legs have to move, pumping the blood back to the heart. A daily brisk walk is recommended for healthy maintenance, but once the varicose veins develop, it’s time to zero in on the problem and take corrective measures.

One such measure can be found in supplements to open the arteries and increase blood flow. According to studies from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, animals who received insufficient amount of copper in their diets were susceptible to constricting blood vessels. Humans are encouraged to get enough of this trace mineral to strengthen the inside of the blood vessels. The recommended dose is two milligrams a day, and that may be taken with a supplement or consumed from nuts, red meat, seeds and shellfish.

Blood clots are also a risk when suffering from varicose veins. To minimize the risk, vitamin B, B12 and Folic Acid have been shown to strip the veins of deadly clots and strengthen the heart muscle against disease. In addition to a supplement program, varicose vein sufferers are encouraged to bump up their diet with fiber-rich foods.

In addition to a vitamin and exercise program, herbal supplements are another way to attack the problem. Butcher’s Broom is used to increase circulation and improve blood clots, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and arteriosclosis. Another popular choice is Horse Chestnut, used to specifically target the circulation in the legs. Bilberry is used to relax the overall vascular system, with special attention to the retinal blood vessels, but is also recommended for varicose veins.

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For advanced cases that have become painful and debilitating, new medical technology has arrived. In the old days, major surgery was required to tighten weak veins, but now there is hope with laser surgery. The EndoVenous Laser Treatment, EVLT, is non-invasive, requires no anesthesia, leaves no scars, offers immediate relief, and is covered by most insurance plans. Patients can walk in and walk out on their own power, returning to normal life at once.

The laser is applied the entire length of the varicose vein, shrinking the vein walls, and causing them to tighten. A tiny fiber is painlessly inserted near the knee, which activates the laser and repairs the faulty vein. The procedure takes about 45 minutes and the patient is advised to follow up every five years for maintenance. In some cases, there may be minor bruising or a slight pain where the fiber was inserted, but simple over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient. With today’s technology, there is no good reason why anybody should suffer with unsightly and painful varicose veins. Laser surgery is freedom and liberty for all.

Click here: Prevention’s Healing with Vitamins Varicose Veins