Lose Body Fat in 7 Simple Tips

Having to loose weight can be one of the hardest things that you have to do in life. However, it’s not just loosing “weight” that will give you the results that you are wanting to have. They key to overall weight loss is by loosing actual body fat, not just “weight.” This is because when you loose just weight, you may be loosing a lot of things, such as muscle, water weight and various other things that aren’t exactly body FAT. There is a certain way that a person must go around in loosing body fat, that’s why I have made 7 amazing tips to help you lose body fat.

1.) Make your body happy, inside and out. Take a multi-vitamin. When you are dieting you can loose a lot of nutrients that are critical to a healthy, fat burning body. This is why it is very important to keep your daily multi-vitamin supplementation high. One of the best multi-vitamins on the market today is Centrum. You will begin to feel the amazing effects of this vitamin almost immediately, definitely important in living a healthy life(style).

2.) Keep your protein intake HIGH. This is one of the most important aspects of loosing body fat. This is because when you are dieting your body will use its store of carbohydrates to give you energy, but when this supply runs out it will then turn to fat as its main energy source. However, there are times when your protein intake is low that your body will actually begin to use your muscle as energy — which is NOT what you want to happen, because then you will experience muscle loss. For this very important reason, it is important to keep your protein intake very high.

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You can accomplish this by either eating a protein bar throughout the day or taking a protein shake. If you are wanting to build major muscle through your workout program, it is recommended to have at least one gram of protein per pound of your body. Thus, if you weight 150 pounds, you will want to consume 150 grams of protein per day.

3.) Drop the biscuit – Lower your carbs. If you don’t lower your carbs, your fat loss will be very minimal. When you have a high carb diet, your body will not feed off of the fat stores that you have, it will use the energy that is coming directly into your body through your mouth. However, there is a way about eating carbohydrates safely and effectively. What you will want to do is consume most of your carbs at breakfast. This way, you will get the energy boosting benefits of carbs at the beginning of the day, thus you can burn these carbs off and then leaving your fat to give you the rest of your energy.

4.) Do your Cardio! This is the important part of lowering your body fat count, however most people still tend not to do it. It is best for you to do cardio 4 times per week for at least 20 minutes per session. Each week, if you want – and it’s recommended – you increase your cardio time by 5 minutes, eventually making your way to a 45 minute cardio session. The best time for you to do cardio is when you first wake up in the morning, before you eat anything. This is because when you first wake up your glycogen stores are low, thus your body will begin to burn fat quicker than if it had to burn all of your carbs and then moving on to your fat stores. However, you will want to reach your target heart rate of 65% of your maximum heart rate. To determine your target heart rate, subtract your age from 220 and then multiply it by 0.65.

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5.) Don’t Eat Before Bed! This is very important in daily weight control. You do not want to eat right before you go to bed because your metabolism is slowing down sufficiently. It is suggested that you do not eat at least 3 hours before you go to bed.

6.) Drink Water. This is very important, however, many people overlook the importance of water in your everyday diet. If you are to think about it, your body is 70% water, thus it needs a lot of water to run safely and effectively. Water is important because it actually helps you transport nutrients into your cells and then determines how your cells use them. This is very important because water helps you build quality muscle, which in turn, aides you in loosing body fat. Also, water helps in flushing out toxins in your body. Also, water helps make your skin more elastic, thus when you are gaining muscle mass or whatnot, you can avoid stretch marks. Water also improves your complexion, cushions your joins and helps you avoid injury. Water is the key to living a healthy life.

7.) Eat 5-6 small meals per day. I know, we have all been taught to eat three meals a day. However, this is not cohesive to wanting to loose body fat. This is because when you eat your metabolism is kicked started, and immediately begins to burn what you’ve eaten. When you eat three meals a day, your metabolism has a lot of time between meals to slow down. This does not help you in loosing body fat. What you will want to do is eat ever 2.5 – 3 hours, thus keeping your metabolism in high gear all throughout the day. This will give you energy as well as help you burn TONS of body fat.