Best Medicinal Herbal Teas

Do you have taking medicine when you are sick? I know I do because I am very sensitive to over the counter and prescription medicines and prefer natural alternatives that are gentler and healthier for my body and work just as well. Some of the best alternative medicines for common illnesses come in the form of herbal teas and work well at helping your body heal itself naturally. In this article I will share with you some of the best medicinal herbal teas to drink to help your body heal common illnesses and infections and where you can find them.

Now one of the best herbal teas to drink if you suffer from constipation would be Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move Tea. It helps your bowels move more freely and easily so you don’t have to suffer from constipation. The herbs and spices in Smooth Move are senna leaf, licorice root, fennel seed, sweet orange peels, cinnamon bark, coriander, and ginger. These natural herbs and spice help get your bowels moving naturally so you don’t have to feel so bound up inside. The best way to use Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move Tea is by boiling a cup of water and placing a tea bag inside of it after and let it steep for ten minutes. After all you do is drink it up just before you head to bed and then in the morning you should be free from constipation. Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move Tea comes in a box of sixteen tea bags and cost around three dollars.

Another great kind of medicinal tea you should try if you have a hard time getting to sleep at night would defiantly be Yogi Bedtime Tea. The herbs and spice in this sleepy tea are valerian root, passion flower, licorice root, spearmint leaf, chamomile flowers, skullcap leaf, cardamom seed, cinnamon bark, st. johns wort, rose hip, raspberry leaf, lavender flower, and stevia leaf. These herbs help prompt sleep by relaxing your body, mind, and spirit so you don’t feel anxious or stressed before you head to bed. The best time to take Yogi Bedtime Tea is about and hour before bedtime by boiling a cup of water and then steeping to tea bags in it for ten minutes and then just simply drink it. Yogi Bedtime Tea comes in a box of 16 as well and cost around two dollars.

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Now a great medicinal tea to make and drink while you’re sick and have a really bad irritated throat would be Organic Throat Coat Tea. It is made with herbs and spices such as licorice root, slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, wild cherry bark, fennel fruit, cinnamon bark, and orange peel. These ingredients help coat your throat with soothing ingredients so your throat stops itchy, burning, and stinging. The best way to make this tea is the same way as the others we just talked about, boil water; steep the tea bag for ten minutes, but this time add some honey and then drink it to help relieve the aggravation in your throat. Organic Throat Coat Tea cost around three dollars for a box of sixteen tea bags.

A great medicinal tea for belly aches and digestive issues would be Organic Ginger Tea. It is made with 1500 mg of organic ginger rhizome to help relieve digestive issues such as gas, nausea, heartburn, bloating, and the regular upset stomach. The way you would use this tea is by drinking a cup of two after a meal or when your belly isn’t feeling so good by boiling some water and steeping two tea bags in the boiling water for ten minutes and then pouring a cup of Organic Ginger Tea to sip on to help relieve your digestive issues. Organic Ginger Tea comes in a box with sixteen tea bags as well and cost around three dollars also.

Now a great tea to drink if you are suffering from skin infections of some sort would have to be Pau d’ Arco Tea. Pau d’ Arco Tea is a traditional South American herbal tea that helps heal many body and skin infections. Pau d’ Arco Tea is made with 1500 mg of Pau d’ Arco Bark and the best way to use this tea is by boiling a cup of water, steeping the tea bags for ten minutes, and then drinking at least two to three cups a day for six weeks. Pau d’ Arco Tea comes in a box of 16 tea bags and cost around three dollars.

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A really great medicinal tea to help relieve tension and stress from your every day life would be Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer Tea. This tea is made with eleuthero, peppermint, cinnamon, ginger, chamomile, lemon grass, licorice, catnip, tilia Flowers, natural lemon grass flavor, hops, and vitamins B6 and B12. These vitamins and herbs help relieve tension, stress, and anxiety naturally so your calm and relaxed and ready to face anything that comes you way. Tension Tamer Tea even is great to brew up and drink when you have a tension headache because it helps gets rid of it fast. You would brew up this tea the same way we have been talking about with the other teas, but you can add sugar and honey to this tea if you would like a little sweetness to it. Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer Tea comes in a box of twenty tea bags and cost around two and half dollars.

One more great tea to use to help prevent or relieve a cold or flu is Gypsy Cold Care Tea. It is made with a wide variety of blended herbs such as elder flower, yarrow flower, peppermint leaf, hyssop herb, rose hip, cinnamon bark, ginger rhizome, safflower petal, clover buds, and licorice root. These herbs help support your immune system so it can fight off common colds and flu viruses naturally. You would make this tea the same way you would the other ones we have been talking about and drink one to two cups daily until your cold or flu symptoms are relieved. Gypsy Cold Care Tea comes in a box with sixteen tea bags and cost around three dollars.

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Now you can find all these medicinal herbal teas at any health food store, grocery store, or pharmacy in your area. You can even find them on line at and I would recommend that you talk to your doctor before trying anyone of these natural medicinal herbal teas to make sure it is okay for you to take. Other than that I think these wonderful natural medicinal herbal teas are great alternative medicines to take to help fight illness and infections. I hope those of you who end up trying some of these medicinal herbal teas for helping with common illnesses and infections have as much luck as I did. I hope you all feel better soon.
