RESISTANCE is FUTILE; It’s Not Just a Star Trek Thing

In the television series Star Trek The Next Generation,
a recurring evil nemesis is a collective race known as the Borg.

The Borg are mostly machine, but collect and integrate
living species into their hive mind.

The recurring theme is that in the end…all things are BORG.
Resistance is futile. Eventually, all living things in the
Star Trek world will become part of the Borg Collective.

I heard a speech this week entitled, “Resistance in the atmosphere”
and during it, the speaker used the words RESISTANCE IS FUTILE,
and although most of the older audience members did not know the

I did.

And I was the one who needed to hear it!

After the speech, I spoke with the speaker and thanked them for
including the Star Trek reference. They looked puzzled for a moment,
and then realized what they had said.

They went on to state that they hadn’t planned to say it, but that
it just kinda popped out. As part of another line of thinking, it
just jumped into her head and she said it…”Resistance is Futile.”

Exactly!! I thought……

When the words popped into her mind, she HAD TO SAY IT….because
after all she was speaking about RESISTANCE….and RESISTANCE IS



You see what I mean.

RESISTANCE is something that WE CREATE. It does not exist naturally.

We all experience our FIRST IMPULSE….and then….putting our
brains behind it…apply RESISTANCE.

Wise people in the East (and the West) will tell us that even pain and
suffering do not exist naturally. We create them.

If we do not believe in them, they do not exist.

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You do not have to be in pain. Simple mental techniques will show
that you can reduce or eliminate pain with “mind over matter”.

You do not have to suffer. Suffering is being in a state of
hunger or desire. If you learn to appreciate what you have and
not covet that which you do not, you will not suffer.

You do not have to resist. Resistance is a process of
holding yourself back from the “natural course of things.”
You cannot resist the natural course of things. That’s why
they are called the NATURAL COURSE OF THINGS.

If you RESISTED THEM, they would be called the UNNATURAL COURSE
OF THINGS. And that doesn’t sound like much fun!!!

Where you are, and what you are doing today, is because at some point
you did not RESIST and allowed the natural course of events.

You are where you are because you “WENT FOR IT” instead of

Now before everyone jumps all over me that some things we MUST resist
let me clarify briefly.

The PRIMAL URGE to RESIST is a survival mechanism.

For example, we do not have to experience pain. We could chose
NOT TO BELIEVE in it, and not experience it. It happens, it is

But if we did not experience pain AT ALL, we would become
fatally injured and not be aware of it. If a limb was cut off,
and we did not experience pain, we may ignore the injury and
bleed to death.

So in this case, we FEEL PAIN because we MUST to survive.

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On the other hand, many people have subjected themselves to
terrible circumstances to save others. They have lifted telephone pole,
or cut off parts of their own bodies, or became injured by
animals or criminals in the defense of others. In this case,
it appears the mind decides to IGNORE the injury and pain until
after the other person is safe. The person often claims to not
even be aware that they have been cut or shot until long after
the event.

In this case, we DO NOT FEEL PAIN so that OTHERS can survive.

I think the same is true, but in reverse, for RESISTANCE.

We must RESIST, at times, for others to survive.
We must resist our PRIMAL URGES to keep others safe, we must
resist the actions of criminals and wild animals so that
we or others will survive.

When we resist by choice, we are doing so to SURVIVE. You must resist
the urge to injure yourself or others. You must resist the urge to
act based on HATRED. Hatred is an UNNATURAL COURSE OF THINGS.

The resistance I am talking about is different.

This is the resistance of things motivated by LOVE….

And…It has little to do with survival, and much to do with fear.

There is something you are to do today….and you KNOW IT.

But you RESIST IT!



I wonder how many experiences we miss out on by RESISTING them
due to self motivated FEAR.

If it’s a fear that we will die…(I’m resisting sky-diving
at the moment)…that is one thing, but most of our fear is
in our minds and has nothing to do with physical danger or

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Do you know someone that you LOVE?
Have you told them?

You’ve thought about telling them….but resisted?



Have you thought of a project that you would like to start?
Have you started it?

You thought about starting it….but resisted?



Have you thought of a conversation that you would like to have?
Have you had it?

You thought about having it….but resisted?



Have you thought of a gift or compliment that you would like to give?
Have you given it?

You thought about given it….but resisted?



Have you thought of a change that you would like to make?
Have you made it?

You thought about making it….but resisted?



You can fill in all the different types of fears you had personally...
But resistance is about FEAR. And unless our behavior will cause
intentional injury or death to ourselves or others, we DO NOT
have to RESIST.

Our resistance is a CHOICE.

And since we are all of a collective mind….we are all
on this planet together….resistance to all things motivated
by LOVE….is indeed….FUTILE.

If you resist due to FEAR…you are letting down the whole planet….

The planet is counting on you. (Even those things you fear…are
counting on you.)

Do not resist.