Being a Professional Psychic 101

Being a Professional Psychic 101


For every few ten thousand people who show consistent passive interest in the psychic world, those who look in simply for a reading from time to time, there are a few hard core devotees whose interests in this world defy simply being a spectator on the sidelines; but they desire to be a professional psychic themselves and be part of the world in which they currently feel they are learning about. This article is meant to aid to those people realize their goals.


Some people who are interested in the psychic world wish to development certain psychic abilities like clairvoyance or precognition for personal self-fulfillment. This is usually their main goal. Certain business owners and professionals interested in the psychic world are themselves naturally blessed with an above average intuition (it’s often how they’ve done so well in business and their professional life) and come to clairvoyants like myself to help them explore their intuition further, which in turn will help them in their professions or help them grow their businesses.


For many who are interested in psychics, it’s merely an interest in having psychic readings and having someone look into your lives and give them a little insight. They tend not to worry themselves with their own natural intuition but want guidance in their life.


But for a small group of people, those who have dreams about developing their natural psychic talents to the point of making an income, a livelihood where one can make a living, while helping a great number of people in the process of doing that which he loves, this interest can quickly become a passion. This is a noble investment of time then; and I truly think that for some interested, becoming a professional psychic can be a rewarding experience and a noble calling.


For me, coming into this profession was more of a casual evolution from mainstream endeavors such as being a banker and writer at the beginning of my progression to being a full fledged professional clairvoyant and intuitive business consultant by the end of my journey. Over time, I began to believe that beyond the fiscal quarterly projections and marketing plans and stat sheets I saw everyday, there was a more spiritual side to business I didn’t get a chance to deal with in a way that was helpful to my soul and my calling. I wanted to consult people who were interested in growing their businesses, managing their capital more efficiently, defining their productivity goals and implementing plans to bring those goals into fruition, and more importantly, securing growth in their market. But I wanted to do it MY way, not as a banker or mainstream business consultant but as an intuitive business consultant using my psychic abilities to help my clients beat logic and make things work for them. Being psychic and using a psychic ability in business, and more so as a tool for income can be a career that many talented people may love to do. These are some practical tips to help start your journey as a professional psychic.

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  1. Know your talents: each psychic has different talents. No two psychics will have the same measure of the same talents. Psychic is an umbrella term so know what specific kind of psychic you are. Seems easy but you’d be amazed by how many psychics simply don’t know. Some psychics are precognitive, meaning they see visions of the future; some are empathic and/or telepathic, meaning they can pick up emotions and/or thoughts from people, or even animals in some cases. Some psychics can see into the here and now and see what’s happening in a different place from where they are such as clairvoyants. Some psychics can see past events and into energies such as retrocognitive psychics, and the list goes on and on. Before you open up shop and take your first client in a paid session, you should spend some time defining your talents so you can be totally aware of your limitations and not promise that which you can not deliver. Being knowledgeable about your talents and realistic about your limitations will help you greatly in this career as you will be better able to build a strong brand consistent with what you can offer and be able to help your clients more fully and more consistently.


  1. Know your market. With any business start up, one of the primary things most self employed professionals have to do to be successful is know your market. This does not apply as much with readers who work on psychic sites which do most of the marketing for you but for those in private practice this is very important. Spending time to know your market early on can save you many hours of time as you will not waste it marketing to certain demographics which would not respond well to your specific brand. Take time to study other psychics you’d like to emulate or be associated with. Take time to look into what sorts of clients you’d like to deal with and do some basic marketing demographic analytics to sort out how you can attain that particular market share. In basic terms: figure out who you’d like to work with, clientele wise, and find out ways in which you can sale yourself to them. If you are someone who have gotten lots of readings yourself, ask yourself what were the reasons you went to a psychic? The more you know about your target demographic and the market you plan on entering, the better you can tackle this from a place of strength and quickly attain a clientele base which is important to your success.
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  1. Know your gut. Psychics tend to be the most apprehensive to trust their own intuition and instincts when it comes to their business matters. We use our intuition in our sessions to read for clients. We use our intuition for interpersonal relationship matters each day. But for some reason, we do not think to use them in business. Your gut feelings about what contracts to get into and what clients to take are coming to you for a reason. If your gut is telling you to work at a festival for 20 bucks a tarot spread, then give it a try and listen to your intuition and see what happens. Intuition is your best offense in developing your business.



  2. Know the skills that pay off. Developing good counseling and customer service skills is helpful to any consultant and even more so to the psychic consultant. People come to psychics for two main reasons, for entertainment and for advice. Entertainment type readings are that of fairs and party readings and within themselves can be fun and lucrative. But the majority of your sessions will more than likely consist of people dealing with conflict in their lives or in the middle of crisis, so being very knowledgeable about basic customer service and counseling techniques will serve you well in this endeavor. Be aware of your limitations though: if the person seeking your services is dealing with psychological distress, refer that person to a qualified therapist and do not try to take this person on as a client. You will not have the necessary training to be helpful, nor is it advisable to put yourself at risk.
  1. Know the nuts and bolts. I’ve worked from an office that is separate from my home for about 6 years because I tend to deal with a certain customer base who would not want to come to my home for sessions. This may, however, not be the ideal situation for you. It may not be practical if you are wanting a very small private practice where it’s simply part time, or it may not make much sense time wise if you have small children or elderly or sick parents in the home. So, depending on what kind of readings you’ll be doing, what kind of clientele you will be working with, the size of the practice you are wanting, your modality of providing your services and your own personal family arrangements and life interferences, you may work one of many ways as a professional psychic consultant. You may work from an office giving psychic based business advice to HR directors and small business owners; you may work the celebrity circuit and spend your days working on being listed on interview news programs’ as a consultant or an expert who can be contacted to be interviewed or as a panel member for a nominal fee; you may contract with a web or phone based psychic service and work from home; you may drive hundreds of miles a week to work local fairs and themed parties; your clientele may visit your home or the other way around. Or you may do a combination of all the above. For as many different types of psychics there are there are as many different kinds of approaches to this work and the modalities for which to deliver your advice. Figure out which way is best for your personality and don’t be afraid of trusting your gut.


This is a wonderfully rewarding profession that can bring lots of happiness if you are willing to work hard for it and be the best you can be. Blessings.