At Home Cardio Workout

Thirty minutes of cardio three days a week has been drilled into our heads for years. Recent research by The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology recommend much more than that for optimal health. In Physical Activity and Public Health published in the Circulation journal researchers advise “to promote and maintain health, all healthy adults aged 18 to 65 yr need moderate-intensity aerobic (endurance) physical activity for a minimum of 30 min on five days each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 20 min on three days each week.” The report continues with “in addition, every adult should perform activities that maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance a minimum of two days each week.” We will discuss stretching, balance and strength training in separate articles.

The days of half -sweating thirty minute workouts are a thing of the past. We might as well jump on the health bandwagon since there is nothing that we can do to change the fact that our bodies require exercise for longevity and quality living.

Different types of exercises provide different health benefits. For example, cardio increases bone density, decreases stress, builds stamina, helps to prevent heart disease and burns fat. Many women neglect to venture into weight lifting yet it is vital to our health and beauty. Weight lifting increases muscle mass which burns more calories than fat while resting and gives your body a lean look. But fear not ladies – you do not have to bulk up to gain muscle.

In this article we will discuss cardio workouts you can perform at home without specialty equipment but before you begin complete Your at Home Fitness Assessment. This will help you understand where your body is physically and track your progress. Also, you are more likely to lose weight and reach your peak fitness level by setting goals. To do this – follow the directions in Fitness: Getting Started and Setting Goals.

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Warm up for at least ten minutes before performing any exercises. There are a few exercises that you can perform to get your body kicked into gear. My favorite is a simple one – walking. This is something that comes natural and gets your heart going quickly. Grab your water and begin walking at a leisurely pace. It should be easy to walk and talk at the same time. Gradually begin to quicken your pace. Your ability to walk and talk should become harder as your pace increases.

This is very important – breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. You will want to gasp in air through your mouth and you will have to consciously make an effort not to do this. For a long time I ignored this advice and when I finally gave it a try – my workouts became easier and I could workout longer. I did not have those horrible side stitches either. As you continue working out this type of breathing will eventually come naturally to you.

After reaching your ten minute mark you can then jog for one minute and walk for two minutes. If you are not able to jog then walk faster for one minute and then slower for two. If you are not able to do this then do what you are able to do but push yourself a little more each time. This small extra push will increase your stamina and endurance. Try to work out for thirty minutes to start with and work up to sixty minutes. Be careful not to push too hard too fast because the easiest time to become injured is when we are first beginning to work out and we want to stay injury free. Nothing messes up your workout routine like a case of Bursitis.

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Make sure to take a couple of drinks of water and ensure you have enough room to swing your arms up and down without hitting anything. Our next exercise is jumping jacks. These are performed by standing with your legs together and your hands by your side. As you jump up – spread your legs out at about shoulder width apart and swing your arms out from your side and up. Your arms should make a complete circle when you clap them together at the top. Then return your arms and legs to the starting position. Perform as many as you can for four sets. If you cannot swing your arms and legs in unison then swing your arms and then your legs. If you are not able to do this then perform the upper body part of the jumping jacks. Remember to take your working heart rate as discussed in Your at Home Fitness Assessment.

If you need a short break then slowly walk around in circles. Try not to sit down unless you absolutely have to. Remember your breathing!

Let’s get back to work! Walk over to your stairs but if you do not have stairs then find something stable in your home that is at least a foot high. If you do not have anything then head over to your local school football field and use their bleachers or the local park with a sand pit and use the big wood blocks that border the sand. We are going to step up with one foot and then the other. Next we are going to step down the same way. Continue this for a count of twelve. One rep equals stepping up and then down. Take a brief break and then do this two more times with short breathers. If you still feel energetic then continue with a fourth and possibly fifth set. To add a little challenge – as you lift your leg off the ground push it up and backwards as you squueze your glute cheeks then step up. This should be a fluid motion.

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You may remember this one from gym class. It is an oldie but a goodie. Lay a yoga/pilates mat on the floor and if you do not have one then use a large towel folded. Lay on your back on the mat, lift your legs straight up and keep them together. You should resemble a capital L. Next bend one knee and move your legs as if you were riding a bicycle. Don’t count this one – just steadily ride your imaginary bike until you can no longer pedal that sucker. Keep going – you can do it! When you cannot go anymore – slowly put your legs down – don’t drop them and take a brief rest. Legs back up and pedal some more! Do this as many times as possible. Don’t forget to take your heart rate because we do not want to overdo it, drink your water and concentrate on your breathing.

You are on your way to a fit and healthy lifestyle. To begin incorporating stretching, balance and strength/resistance training into your workouts then stayed tuned for beginner and intermediate articles. How about trying to sneak in some extra cardio? Read Ways to Sneak in Cardio.

Get Up, Get Moving and Get Healthy!
