Alleviating Sciatica Nerve Pain

Sciatica pain affects millions of Americans each year. For many, the condition is acute in nature and often attributed to a medical condition such as a minor low back injury or even pregnancy. For others, however, sciatica pain is much more significant; attributing to chronic pain in the back and legs with a debilitating impact on work and personal life.

As an individual suffering from sciatica pain, it is important to understand what exactly sciatica pain is and how it attributes to not only low back pain but also pain that radiates through the thighs and lower legs. With this information, the sciatica back pain sufferer can work, more diligently, to avoid activities which may further exacerbate the condition.

The sciatica nerve is a nerve in the lower back that radiates through the legs. When damaged, inflamed or compressed, complications of the sciatica nerve ensue. Most often, the complications of the sciatica nerve are attributed to a herniated disc of the low back or a narrowing of the spinal column, known as spinal stenosis. However, sciatica pain can also be attributed to conditions such as a degenerative aging of the spine, known as spondylosis, nerve entrapment, as commonly seen in pregnancy, and even vascular or inflammation complications from falls, injuries or pregnancy.

To improve sciatica nerve pain, many sufferers will opt to pursue some simple self therapy treatments in lieu of surgical corrections. First, begin by eliminating activities from your routine that may be further exacerbating the sciatica pain, i.e. lifting heavy objects, sitting for extended periods of time, etc.

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In addition to avoiding specific activities, also work to improve posture. As most sciatica pain can be exacerbated by continued nerve compression, it is important to focus on body posture regularly and correct posture to alleviate compression, entrapment and further inflammation. Try limiting the use of constrictive clothing and consider purchasing an abdominal binder which will work to stretch and protect the low back area.

When preparing for sleep in the evening, take a warm bath to relax the low back muscles and sleep in the fetal position as this provides for the most relief from back pain. As commonly seen in pregnant women, the low back pain of pregnancy can be alleviated when sleeping in this position and using pillows between the legs. This may also work to alleviate sciatica pain in the non-pregnant sufferer.

As with any low back pain, understanding the cause and origin will assist in defining methods to alleviate pain without the need for surgery. As in sciatica pain, using these simple home remedies, including a change in posture and proper preparation at bedtime, can alleviate sciatica pain in just a few weeks. When pain continues beyond these few weeks, however, consult a physician regarding further testing and professional physical therapy services as, without it, sciatica pain may be become worsened.