All-Natural Remedies for Chest Congestion: Steam, Oils and More

It’s that time of year again when everyone seems to be congested and can’t breathe. While over-the-counter products work great to cover up the problem, they don’t heal you and can actually cause the congestion to last longer. There are many different home remedies you can try to help loosen up chest congestion and get you back to your life.


Steam can really help loosen up the congestion in your chest and it’s one of the simplest things to do. Steam will not only help loosen up sinus and chest congestion but all moisten and sooth your airways. Vaporizes and humidifiers can be a very useful tool when using steam to help loosen congestion. Many vaporizers and humidifiers also have a cup to place medicine or essential in that allows them to combine with the steam to help maximize the effect of the steam. If a vaporizer is not handy a hot shower can be just as good. While in the shower have someone pat or karate chop on your back this will help loosen the mucus in your chest. You may also this outside of the shower by allowing the bathroom to fill with steam. A pan of boiling water will also work. You may also add a few drops for essential oils to the boiling water. Sometimes the combination of steam and cold will help. Try breathing in the steam for a few minutes then breath in cold air from the freezer.

Herbs and Essential Oils

Many Herbs and Essential Oils are on the market that can help with chest congestion. The herbs can be taken in capsules, eaten or made into tea. The Essential oils are great to use in humidifiers, boiling water or showers. Some essential oils that may be helpful are Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Myrrh, Thyme, and peppermint. You may also use these by using them on your chest.

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Some foods may actually help loosen the mucus in your chest and speed the recovery. Spicy foods are great to eat while congested try eating hot chili pepper and horseradishes. Onions and curry are also very helpful they contain quercetin and sulfur which help break up mucus and increase circulation. Try sautéing onions and curry power together to get double the benefits. Just beware of the bad breath this will cause. When congested be sure to drink plenty of water. Water will help thin the mucus and loosen coughs. Eating food with lots of garlic in them can also help. Foods high in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, broccoli, and peppers are also good to eat when suffering from chest congestion. .

Remedies for discomfort

While waiting for the congestion to break there are some simple things that can help with some of the discomfort. Staying elevated will help clear the nasal passages and allow the mucus to drain better. Hot tea will help not only moisten the airway but also sooth any throat irritations caused from coughing. Sucking on hard candy or cough drops will do the same thing. Placing hot packs on your chest or throat can also help sooth any discomfort.

Things to Avoid when Congested

There are something that will aggravate your congestion and cause extra discomfort when congested. Try to avoid eating dairy produces, meat and fried foods. These foods increase the production of mucus so it is best to stay away from them. Over the counter cough suppressants may help with the symptoms but will not help heal. While a cough can be annoying it is helping to break up the mucus in your chest. Smoking will also increase your discomfort when congested so try to stop smoking and stay away from smoke while congested.

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While sometimes getting sick is unavoidable prevention is always import. While sick be sure to wash hands often to keep any germs from spreading to others in the house. To prevent getting sick again be sure to eat a healthy well balance diet, get lots of rest and exercise. This will help your body defend itself against future colds or flu.