How to Use Essential Oils for Detoxification

Using essential oils for detoxification is only one way that these magical drops can aid us in our goals of being healthy in mind, body and spirit. Essential oils are truly nature’s gift to us with all they offer in supporting our health and well-being.

Many of us are turning to alternative medicines, and therapies looking for natural ways to detoxify our bodies inside and out, as we are all subject to so many toxins daily, that over time these poisons can build up in our fragile (but miraculous) systems, and cause major health issues. Detoxifying the body using essential oils is one of the best ways to clean out the harmful toxins laying stagnant in our bodies.

What toxins?

There are all types of toxins that many are subjected to daily, whether purposeful or that are we are unaware of. Most fall into one of four main categories; household toxins, environmental toxins, food toxins, and lifestyle toxins. Pure Inside and Out states, “Man-made industrial and agricultural chemicals are severely contaminating our planet, disrupting nature’s cycles, and deeply affecting humans and wildlife alike. We, city dwellers, are consistently exposed to a cocktail of hazardous chemicals, everyday of our lives. It’s a serious modern threat, and its full impact on us and on future generations is yet unclear. More than ever now, you should watch what you eat: It is estimated that around 1000 different chemicals are present in our daily food, even in the one we think is healthiest! UK government data shows that over 90% of fresh salmon, more than a third of fruit and vegetables, and 40% of cereal products, contain pesticide residues.”

Types of toxins:

Hidden Household toxins :include chemicals released from all types of home items such as; furniture, electrical appliances, TVs, carpets and rugs (which many times contain dangerous toxins of fire-retardant and stain-repellent chemicals). The only way to really handle this one is to use these items less frequently and purchase tile instead of carpet.

Environmental-type toxins : include; smog, soot, pollution from cars, factories, even combustion pollutants, which are more commonplace in larger cities or heavy industrial zones. he best way to deal with this is move to the country with fresh air, or get air purifiers in your home, car and office space.

Food-type toxins: These include such things as agricultural and industrial chemicals like; pesticides, hormones (injected into our cattle and poultry), chemical fertilizers, as well as the antibiotics that animals consume with their feed (which end up in our systems if we eat them). Even the mercury in fish is a big scare as of late. Choose your foods wisely.

Lifestyle-type toxins: These are toxins some choose to put in their bodies, such as; the chemicals in cigarettes caused by smoking, drinking too much alcohol, excessive use of prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter drugs, illegal drugs, food additives (and colorants), mental, emotional, and physical stresses, overeating, or overindulgence, lack of exercise, or even lack of rest and relaxation to rejuvenate, heal and refresh the mind-body-spirit can cause undo toxin build up in the body.

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These health-destroying environmental factors bring about inevitable derangement in all the vital bodily functions, with consequent biochemical imbalance in the tissues; autotoxemia; chronic under-supply of oxygen to the cells; poorer digestion, ineffective assimilation of nutrients…and, of course, gradually lowered resistance to disease.”– Dr. Paavlo Airola, author of: How to Get Well: Dr. Airola’s Handbook of Natural Healing .

Which essential oils should I use for detoxification?

Using the following list of essential oils for detoxification of the mind-body-spirit is only one way to clear ourselves of toxins and begin a healthy, toxin-free lifestyle. They are not “magic pills” by any means and must be used over a period of time to work properly. Choose the oils that speak to you, or find the combination that works best for you. Each of the following essential oils have specific properties, chemical constituents, and reasons that they are great for detoxing the body. Be sure to consult your aromatherapist for further information.
Angelica Root, Basil, Bay Laurel, Bergamot-BF (bergaptene free), Bitter Orange, Black Pepper, Blue Tansy, Buchu (see NOTE below), Carrot Seed, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fennel, and Bitter Fennel, Fir, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Helichrysum Italicum, Hyssop, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Katrafay, Lavender, Lemon Marjoram, Myrrh, Myrtle, Niaouli, Nutmeg, Oregano, Parsley Seed, Patchouli, Peppermint, Pink Grapefruit, Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Seaweed, Thyme, and White Sage, and Wintergreen.
NOTE: Buchu oil has an antiseptic action and is a very useful diuretic, possibly aiding conditions such as rheumatism and arthritis, helping the body remove excess toxins and fluid. Buchu is also helpful in aiding the release of water retention and also aids weight loss and elimination of cellulite. It can also be used to reduce inflammation of painful joints, (especially sprains–with use of a warm compress).

How do I use essential oils for detoxification?

There are many ways to accomplish the task of detoxifying the body, and essential oils are only one avenue to take. Since essential oils are highly concentrated forms of the plant, tree, resin, flower, berry, seed, root, bark, or leaf, keep in mind they should never be used directly on the skin without proper dilution, neither should they be ingested without consulting your practitioner first. (Unless suggested by a professional). There are multiple ways to accomplish the task of detoxifying the body using essential oils such as:

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Use detoxifying essential oils in a blend of carrier oils and massage over specific areas of the body. (See my article on Essential Oil Recipes for Detoxing the Body). Massage is one of the best ways to garner the most effect out of your essential oils in the detoxification process. The manipulation of the muscles, and the act of massaging the body drains lymphatic tissue, relaxes the body, mind and spirit, as well as aids in the detoxifying process. Massage is one of the best things you can do for yourself to stay healthy inside and out. Raindrop Therapy is a type of massage that is offered by many massage therapists, L.M.T.s, and body workers. Raindrop Therapy is the use of specific essential oils dropped one oil at a time along the spinal column used in conjunction with specific massage techniques for amazing detox results. You may wish to read Young Living’s founder Gary Young’s book Raindrop Technique on the specifics. I can personally vouch for Raindrop Therapy as I’ve had it done a few times and it is amazing!

Diffusion/ Inhalation:

Detoxing your living spaces is important too, as well as detoxifying your lungs, nasal cavities and airways, and diffusion/inhalation is a great way to achieve this. Choose a blend of specific detoxifying essential oils, and place a few drops in a diffuser for purifying your space, office, car, home or wherever you spend the most time. Or use a few drops of the detox blend on a handkerchief, in an aromatherapy inhaler carried around with you to use at your leisure purchase inhalers here , or even in car diffusers . Some like to use a spray to purify and detoxify their space. (See my article on Essential Oil Recipes for Detoxing the Body to learn how to make your own purify your space blend).


Adding a few drops of a detoxifying essential oil blend along with some classic epsom salts to your bath does wonders for ridding your body of toxins. Not only do you feel clean inside and out, but the oils have a wonderful effect on de-stressing and detoxifying the whole mind, body and spirit when you feel sluggish, slow and weighed down with chemical toxins.(See my article on Essential Oil Recipes for Detoxing the Body ).

Body Scrubs:
Another way to rid the body of unwanted toxins and detoxify your body is to use an essential oil blend mixed in with a carrier oil and bath scrub salts, such as Dead Sea Salts, or Himalayan Salts, and Epsom Salts. This is a great way to get the detoxing benefits of essential oils for those who don’t enjoy baths and prefer showers instead. A morning detox body scrub is not only a great energizer, but works on a deep level to rid the body of unwanted toxins. (See my article on Essential Oil Recipes for Detoxing the Body). Also see this article for how to make your own good morning natural body scrub.

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“Aromatherapy is a wonderful, gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and may produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns. “- KG Stiles

Resources & More Reading:
Helpful Suggestions on Uses of Essential Oils; A Primer on Using Essential Oils
Raindrop Technique
Pure Inside and Out; About toxins:
Yellowstar Essentials : Detox Blends
How to Make Your Own Good Morning Natural Body Scrub

More Reading on Essential Oils
Angels and Aromatherapy; Archangel Raphael List of Essential Oils for Specific Emotions Can Essential Oils Help with Depression & Anxiety? Using Aromatherapy as a Mood Regulator How to Cure Frizzy Hair with Essential Oils How to Use Essential Oils for Healthy Hair Essential Oils and Chakras Part Seven; Using Essential Oils for Balancing Chakras; 6th Chakra or the Third Eye Chakra Essential Oils and Chakras Part Six; Using Essential Oils for Balancing Chakras; 5th Chakra or the Throat Chakra Essential Oils and Chakras Part Five; Using Essential Oils for Balancing Chakras; 4th Chakra or the Heart Chakra Essential Oils and Chakras Part Four; Using Essential Oils for Balancing Chakras; 3rd Chakra or the Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oils and Chakras Part Three; Using Essential Oils for Balancing Chakras; The Sacral Chakra Essential Oils and Chakras Part Two; Using Essential Oils for Balancing Chakras; The Root Chakra Essential Oils and Chakras Part One; Introduction to Using Essential Oils for Balancing the Chakras

What hope is there for medical science to ever become a true science when the entire structure of medical knowledge is built around the idea that there is an entity called disease which can be expelled when the right drug is found?” ~ John H. Tilden, M.D.
