Natural Oils Used in Hair Care

While on this healthy hair journey, I’ve ran across YouTube videos, natural hair care websites and forums, that boast about the powers of natural oils for the hair. However, I never really got a clear understanding of exactly which oils to use in my hair or the benefits of natural oils. I did a lot of research and because I really don’t think, I’m the only one who’s confused about how to use oils in hair care, I’ve created this natural oil tutorial. This tutorial will help others determine the different types of oils to use in hair care, give examples and benefits of these oils and how to use natural oils in a hair care regimen.

The use of natural oils in hair care, has been passed down from generation to generation. When used properly, natural oils can smooth split ends, promote hair growth and in some cases reduce hair loss. There are two types of natural oils that can be beneficial to hair care and they are essential oils and carrier oils.

Essential oils do not feel oily at all; they are light and evaporate really quickly. In contrast, carrier oils are oily to the touch and often time essential oils are added to carrier oils to be used in the hair.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are the highly concentrated fragrant essences that are extracted from flowers or leaves of a plant. Essential oils have different benefits for the hair and you should choose the one that meets your specific hair care needs. Essential oils can treat dry hair and dandruff, stimulate scalp circulation, prevent hair loss and even more.

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Examples and Benefits of Essential Oils

Tea Tree Oil – acts and smells like an astringent and can treat dry scalp and dandruff.

Orange Oil – helps regulate the production of sebum, which is the hair’s natural oil. This oil has and invigorating and vibrant smell.

Sandalwod Oil – acts as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, and can sooth irritated and dry scalps.

Rosemary Oil – has a light herbal scent and can treat dandruff and promote hair growth.

Lavendar Oil – has a soothing, refreshing floral scent, can be effective on lice and lice eggs. This oil is usually in perfumes.

Ylang Ylang Oil – can stimulate hair growth and leaves a strong floral scent in hair.

Cedar Wood – may reduce hair loss and has a soft woody scent

Other essential oils that encourage healthy scalps are basil oil, peppermint oil and patchouli oil. Chamomile oil can also help with hair growth.

Essential oils should be combined with a carrier oil, which will help dilute the potency of the natural oil, as well as, make larger amounts of hair care products. Essential oils can also be added to other hair care products. When purchasing essential oils make sure to buy the highest grade available, as higher grade oils will have the least amount of chemicals and additives.

Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are derived from plants, fruits, nut and seeds. Carrier oils are oily and can be used alone in the hair or in conjunction with essential oils to help with your hair care. Carrier oils don’t carry much of a scent and can easily be distributed throughout the hair.

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Carrier oil examples and benefits

Extra Virgin Olive Oil – has vitamin E and is one of the most common and least expensive oils for the hair.

Jojoba Oil – is very similar to the hair’s natural oil, sebum. It works for all hair types and if used as a hot oil treatment is effective for hair that’s extremely damaged.

Coconut Oil – is effective as a hair treatment and leaves the hair smooth and shiny.

Avocado Oil – is a light oil that full of vitamins that are essential to hair growth, like vitamins A, E, D and potassium.

Grape Seed Oil – is an odorless oil that’s full of vitamins that strengthen the hair.

Sesame Oil – is great to use on dark hair because it may darken the hair slightly.

Castor oil, almond oil, apricot kernel oil and neem oil are other carrier oils that can be used in hair care

When purchasing carrier oils you want to buy cold pressed oils. Cold pressed may be a little more expensive than refined oils. Refined oils may have petroleum residue from the extraction process. Cold pressed oils are 100% pure and contain more of the fruit, vegetable, nut or plant’s natural ingredients.

Using Natural Oil in your Hair Care Regimen

Hot oil treatments

To mix your own hot oil treatment, mix one drop essential oil to 4 tbsp of carrier oil in a plastic container. Place container in hot water for one minute to heat oil. Shampoo hair normally, coat hair with warm oil, cover with plastic cap and let stand for ten to fifteen minutes then rinse.

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To treat scalp problems

Use finger tips to distribute oil onto the scalp and then massage scalp with your finger tips. Don’t scratch, massage. Cover with plastic cap and let stand for ten to fifteen minutes then rinse.

To seal in moisture

If your hair is particularly dry, then natural oils can be used to seal in water based moisturizers. After moisturizing your hair, add a little oil to the ends of your hair and work your way up the hair shaft. Don’t over do it. Oils that are perfect for sealing are Olive oil, jojoba oil, safflower oil or castor oil.

Pre shampoo (pre-poo)

Simply add oils to your hair at least thirty minutes prior to washing your hair.

I hope this tutorial clears up your confusion about natural essential and carrier oils and how they should be used in hair care.
