53 Pounds Gone with Our Fast Weight Loss Plan

Fast weight loss can be a difficult concept, especially when many of us become overwhelmed with all the advertised products to help speed up our efforts. Why spend a small fortune when a fast weight loss plan can achieve maximum fat loss?

A group of friends, all with different views on shedding the fat looked for something that worked quickly, yet was not physically severe. Fifty-three Pounds lost in five months! That is the number of pounds one of my friends loss. No gym memberships were needed or new colorful sweat suits, just smart plans that help to maximize our weight loss efforts.

First, Understand How Dieting Really Works

Many of us have this preconceived notion of what losing weight means. We automatically think of the word Diet when we should be thinking of replacing what we already eat.

Did you know you can eat as much salad as you want? You can also top that salad with chicken, turkey or bacon and still lose weight. You can also have a hearty sandwich, stuffed with meat, lettuce, tomato, onion all on whole grain bread. You can even have a thin layer of mayonnaise and still burn fat. Clean foods elevate your metabolism so that you body burns fat more efficiently.

Our bodies are set up to react for survival, and fast weight loss takes a bit of strategy. Most of us incorporate a severe diet to shed fat but what we don’t realize is that this turns on our defense mechanism, and instead of losing weight, our body holds on to the fat.

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Fast Weight Loss Tip #1 – What to Eat

You must eat clean. No sugary products or fat-filled treats. Here is a glimpse of what my friends ate for lunch. A brown-bagged lunch was taken just about every day;

Some days, soup was taken with a sandwich and other days everyone went to a sandwich shop. Overall, what was eaten was closely watched and extra was always brought to work so no one ever felt hungry or deprived.

Fast Weight Loss Tip #2 – Moving Your Body

Watching what you eat is only half the battle. You must elevate your heart rate and get your blood pumping. This is so simple; go window shopping. During the week, walk a few blocks during lunch. Listening to music while walking always does the trick and before you know it you will have walked more than you originally planned. Walk up stairs when possible. The point is, when you steadily increase your heart rate you improve your metabolism.

Fast Weight Loss Tip #3 – Add More Exercise

Who said you need to start off with 10 sit-ups? If all you can do is three, then start with three and work your way up to five the next week, and then ten the next. The important aspect of adding exercise movements is to try.

  • · Add squats for the thighs and glutes
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·. Building muscle is the ultimate fast weight loss tip. Muscle will help you shed fat quicker than any diet program, and it is the most under-utilized tip in exercise. For some reason, women ignore muscle-building movements.

It is possible to lose 53 pounds of fat within five months – I’ve seen it happen. If you embrace these fast weight loss tips you could be in a bikini next spring.