Buying a Gym Membership

I hate buying a gym membership. Honestly though, having been a personal trainer and manager of personal trainers for over a dozen years, I’ve rarely had to go through the gym membership experience. But it came up again recently when I was going to purchase a gym membership for my wife. Sure, she could have gone to my gym to workout, but this new gym was closer, thus giving her fewer reasons to miss a workout. So, she had me call them and find out rates. And that, of course, got me thinking about how much I hate buying a gym membership.

As an insider, I would love to see the system reformed. I would love to see the main focus of gyms to be getting people to workout. If that was their focus, the money would follow. Since I run a corporate gym that is subsidized by a “parent” company, we are permitted to focus on fitness first. Unfortunately most commercial gyms are stuck in the system of putting money first. Having run both commercial and corporate centers, I’ve got the luxury of being able to step back and take an objective perspective. By giving this overview of how to purchase a commercial gym membership, perhaps those that read this will spark a change in the system and the fitness industry will once again be able to focus on fitness first.

Why do I have to go in to purchase my gym membership? In theory, one should be able to call gyms and find out what their rates are. But, you’ll notice if you ever try to purchase a gym membership that they want you to come in. Obviously you should know what the gym has in it, but the main reason they want you down there is that you’re much more likely to purchase the membership once you are there. Shop around via the internet and see what you want in your gym membership before you call, otherwise you’re almost certainly not going to find out information about your gym membership over the phone.

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What is the best time to buy a gym membership? As with used cars and other monthly sales systems, the gym business has a middle of the month close out and an end of the month close out. At these times of the month sales representatives are encouraged to make up for whatever they are lacking in their sales quotas. This may be a great time to buy a gym membership. You may see all kinds of rate decreases and gym membership deals take place at this time.

Isn’t there only one gym membership deal available at a time? Not by a long shot. As mentioned above, different times of the month change rates. But if you know an employee that works in the sales department at the gym you are much more likely to get a good rate on your gym membership. So, do you know anyone?

Are there better times in the year to purchase a gym membership? Absolutely. The best time to purchase a gym membership is during the times that most people don’t want to purchase them. When do most people purchase a gym membership? Gym membership rates go up in January (New Year’s resolutions), in September (back to school time) and, to a lesser extent, just before summer. During this time everyone wants to purchase a gym membership. Just purchase your gym membership at any other time besides those and you may get a great rate.

There are other things to look for when it comes to buying a gym membership. Obviously, pick a gym that you like. If you want to hire a personal trainer, buy a gym membership at a gym with trainers that you like. Be forceful and sure when you buy your gym membership and you are much more certain to get a good deal.

See also  5 Cheap Gym Memberships in Dallas, Texas

Final word to gym owners and operators: focus on the fitness. If you are such a boon to the community that everyone wants to come to your gym and no other because of your programs, instructors and community outreach then the money will follow.