Fast Weight Loss Tips for Teens

Weight loss can be fast for a teenager simply because the teenager body responds quickly to healthy diet and exercise changes.

You don’t have to freak out your parents by announcing you are “on a diet,” but can adopt what we will call the best practices for weight loss when you are a teen.

If you have ever watched Jillian Michaels of “The Biggest Loser” and “Losing it with Jillian,” you know Jillian doesn’t like to talk about “weight loss” numbers for teens. She suggests teens don’t go on a diet, but simply eat healthier and focus on becoming fit. I agree, but the problem is a lot of teens have poor role models in their parents and peers.

Here are a 10 fast weight loss tips and diet tricks for teens so you can fit into a prom dress in the spring, a bikini in the summer and a formal dress in the fall. You don’t want to be part of the childhood obesity epidemic!

No. 1: Fast weight loss tip for teens: Follow the “reverse diet” approach by eating a very hearty breakfast followed by a reasonable lunch and a small dinner. You need to match your eating with the times when your metabolism is higher (in the early part of the day). Childhood obesity could be reversed by this approach.

No. 2: Fast weight loss tip for teens: If you are a teen, eat three main meals and one afternoon snack. After having a large breakfast, you won’t be hungry until lunch. After having a moderate size lunch, you may want a snack in the afternoon especially if you have athletic events after school. In the evening, still have a small dinner such as soup/salad. Avoid the starches at night. Don’t eat after dinnertime.

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No. 3: Fast weight loss tip for teens: Make sure you are exercising hard enough. The teenager body was not meant to sit all day or just casually walk. Challenge yourself with half hour intense jogs or an aggressive game of tennis or soccer. You won’t become fit by casually walking from class to class or walking the dog.

No. 4: Fast weight loss tip for teens: Ask your parents if you can go with them grocery shopping. Make a list ahead of time of all of your favorite fruits, vegetables. Purchase yogurts with no sugar and then add your own fresh berries or use the plain yogurt to make fruit smoothies. They are easy and fun. Don’t buy “diet foods” such as diet cookies or diet frozen meals. It’s important to learn how to cook now. Your parents will probably welcome the break.

No. 5: Fast weight loss tip for teens: Avoid fast food as a teen on a diet. If you do find yourself out at a restaurant, research the eating establishment beforehand to learn about the nutrition/calories/choices. Stick so salads, but order dressing on side. Bring home some of the meal for the next day. Avoid anything fried or “crispy.” Anything described as “creamy” is probably fattening and should be ordered on the side.

If your parents ask if you are on a diet, let them know you don’t believe in “dieting,” but want to be healthy so you don’t end up having weight problems like (hint, hint) some people close to you. Tell them you are embracing a healthy lifestyle and they can join you if they want!

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Childhood obesity (which includes teens) is a serious problem. Make sure you avoid high fructose corn syrup, diet soda unless it’s made with stevia (a plant) and junk food. Even though health is the goal, you may lose weight quickly by following these teen weight loss tips.
