Making Fortune Cookies

Making your own fortune cookies can be tricky, but not impossible. Below is an easy recipe to making fortune cookies, as well as how to choose and write your own fortunes.


The most important part of the fortune cookie is what is on the inside–the fortune of course! Fortune cookies didn’t originate in China like many people think; instead a Chinese immigrant who lived in the United States created the idea in 1918. There have also been a few other theories as to who started the fortune cookie. It has been such a matter of debate that a mock trial was held in San Fransisco to decide which theory of the fortune cookie was actually the truth. While they couldn’t reach a verdict, the common consensus was the fortune inside has become the most important aspect of the fortune cookie.

Early fortunes included bible sayings, and quotations from famous persons like Aesop, Benjamin Franklin, and Confucius. Later, fortunes included smiley faces, good news, and lottery numbers. Today, companies like Fancy Fortune Cookies offer chocolate dipped, fruit dipped, and various colored fortune cookies with personalized messages. Other companies like the Fortune Cookie Company found that many of the fortunes they write go to business and corporate events, announcing a new baby, weddings, bridal and baby showers and more.

Before you begin making your fortune cookie, you will need to have your message first. Are you announcing a new arrival, asking someone to a dance, or featuring your cookies at an event? Work on personalizing your own message and including it in your cookie, or for generic fortune cookie messages, head to They offer a printable page of traditional fortune cookie messages found in cookies you would find at a restaurant. Or, see the link at the end of this article for more information.

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The outside of the cookie is the trickiest part to make. Once you have your fortunes cut and ready to go, get ready to make the cookies. This easy recipe from was a favorite of mine when having to make fortune cookies for a recent Scout event. Plan on about 15 minutes of prep time and roughly a half an hour from start to finish to make the cookies.

3 egg whites
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted and cooled
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1 cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoons water

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Grease cookie sheets, or line with parchment paper. In a large bowl, whip egg whites and sugar on high speed of an electric mixer until frothy, about 2 minutes. Reduce speed to low, and stir in melted butter, vanilla, almond extract, water and flour one at a time, mixing well after each. Consistency should resemble pancake batter. Spoon the batter into 3 inch circles on the prepared baking sheets. Leave room between for spreading. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the edges begin to brown slightly. Quickly remove one at a time, place a message in the center, and fold in half. Fold the ends of the half together into a horse shoe shape. If they spring open, place them in a muffin tin to cool until set. Although these cookies are not malleable if over baked, you need to bake them long enough until they are golden around the edges or they will be too under baked and remain soft, spongy and pancake-like.

See also  History of the Fortune Cookie and Fancy Fortune Cookie Recipes


Fortune cookies are pretty tricky to make on your own, but they can be done. While reviewing many websites with recipes, I found that many people recommended having two people helping–one placing fortunes inside the cookies, the other folding the cookies. If the cookies begin to cool even a little bit, they can be extremely hard to fold and may even break while folding. If you try a couple of times and just can’t seem to get it right, consider buying pre made blank fortune cookies where you can easily slip in your own fortune. Many Chinese restaurants will sell you fortune cookies with traditional fortunes inside.

Fancy Fortune Cookies
6247 Coffman Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
888-776-6611 or 317-299-8900

Fortune Cookie Company
2905 Stender Way, Suite 62,
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Printable Fortune Cookie Messages


Fake Novelty Fortunes
Printable Fortunes for April Fool’s Day
Easy Fortune Cookie Recipe