Yogic Exercises for Curing Constipation, and Acupressure Points for Curing Constipation, Gas Formation in Stomach, Hiccups, and Hemorrhoids

Yoga is good for body and mind. Yogic exercises for curing constipation:

First exercise

Step first: Lie down in the carpet, resting your back and keep your hands (hand palm facing downward) at the ground, legs straight, touching each other.

Step second: Breath-in and move your legs gently up at 30 degree, and for few seconds stay in this position.

Step third: Then move your legs gently down to the ground, come to the normal position (never move your legs in force). Rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat this exercise. Do this for 3-6 times.

Note: If you are suffering from severe backache, you better practice this exercise from each leg, separately. This will relief backache problems, and cure constipation.

Benefits of this yogic posture-

This yogic posture keeps the digestive system strong, and cure constipation, gas problem, stomach ache, breathing problem, and obesity.

Second exercise

Step first: Lie down in the carpet, resting your back, then breath in and gently move your legs up to 30 degree, then 60 degree, and then move up to 90 degree and bring legs behind your head at the ground level, also moving your back up in breath out position.

Step second: Bring legs behind your head at the ground level. At the start you can use hands to rest your back when you move up, but in the final position your hands should rest at the ground. Stay in the Step 1 position for 30 seconds

Step third: Next come to the normal position, in the same synchronization as you move up, pressing ground with hand palms, and keeping legs straight, move your legs down.

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Keeps spine health, controls obesity, helps in height increase, cures constipation, acidity, and cures body weakness.

(If you find the second exercise difficult, don’t worry, do the first and the third exercise, they are easy and beneficial)

Third is the boat pose

Step first: Lie down in the carpet, resting your back at the ground level, and keep your hands on thighs. At the time of inhaling first move your head and shoulder in upward direction as much as you can, then also move your legs up. You will see your head, hands, and legs equally moved up as like boat shape.

Step second: Stay in step 1 position for few seconds, then at the time of exhaling slowly move your heads, hands, and legs down at ground level. In this way you can repeat this exercise for 3-6 times

Benefits: Heart and lungs functions properly, and it cures gas formation in the stomach, and constipation.

Acupressure points in the right leg palm, for curing gas formation in the stomach, Hiccups, and other stomach problems – Press the black points as shown in the image using your thumb.

Acupressure points in the left leg palm, for curing constipation and Hemorrhoids – Press the black point as shown in the image using your thumb.

(Hemorrhoids – Pain due to venous swelling at or inside the anus. Hemorrhoids/piles are the most common illness with painful and swollen veins in the anus, caused by pregnancy, constipation, straining)

You can also make some lifestyle changes for staying healthy:

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Try to eat dinner early, before 9.30 pm.

Everyday in an empty stomach early morning, drink one-two glass of warm water.

Eat green sprouts, green vegetables, and avoid non vegetarian foods.

You can mix two tablespoon each of Aloe Vera juice, and Indian gooseberry (amla) juice in half-cup of warm water. Drink this mixture in an empty stomach, early morning or at night before sleep. This mixture is useful in bleeding disorders, enhancing memory, eyes strength, a potent rejuvenator, diabetes, constipation, gas problems in stomach, loss of immunity and skin disorders.

Stay stress free and believe on the above remedies, you will feel a difference.