How to Stop the Hiccups Fast

Eating, drinking or talking too fast can cause the hiccups. Hiccups are spasms of the diaphragm with inhalations that are stopped by the closing of the glottis. The word hiccup is also spelled hiccough and referred to as singultus. Hiccups may be caused by anxiety, drinking, eating, excitement, talking, laughing, hyperventilation, smoking, swallowing air or tickling. Eating spicy food or drinking carbonated or alcoholic beverages can cause hiccups. The hiccups will usually stop by themselves but there are many remedies to stop hiccups.

One method that is believed to stop the hiccups is slow deep breathing. Calm yourself and breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes and the hiccups will probably stop. If not, you can try acupressure which is also known as pressure point therapy. Acupressure can quickly relieve and stop the hiccups. People who hiccup frequently should learn the acupressure points to control the hiccups.

Several points may be pressed to stop hiccups but the next four points are known to quickly stop the hiccups. One quick cure for the hiccups is to press the acupressure point beneath the ear lobes while taking several slow deep breaths. One quick and easy acupressure hiccup remedy is pressing and rotating your index finger horizontally directly below your nose. Pressing and massaging this point also revitalizes the body. Pressing the acupressure points in the middle of the shoulders will also stop hiccups. Another vital hiccup point is at the base of the throat in between the collarbones. Press this area and your hiccups should stop.

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Learn these four major hiccup relief points to control the hiccups. Combine all of these hiccup cure techniques for a welcome hiccup remedy. Try one after the other while breathing slowly and deeply and your hiccups should stop. Wind Screen is the name of the point below the ear lobes. You can press and massage Wind Screen for three minutes while deep breathing to stop hiccups. Shui Gou is the acupressure area beneath the nose. The points on the middle of the shoulders are the Jianjing points. The point between the collarbones at the base of the throat is referred to as Heaven Rushing Out.

Massaging the diaphragm area may relieve the hiccups. Pressing and massaging the ear lobes may also help. These acupressure points may be pressed for hiccup relief: Abdominal Sorrow, Neiguan, Sea of Tranquility and Letting Go. The Abdominal Sorrow point is found in the area at the bottom of the rib cage four finger widths from the center of the body. Neiguan is three finger widths below the wrist crease on the center of the inner arm. The Sea of Tranquility is in the center point of the breast bone approximately three thumb widths above the base of the bone. The Letting Go points are on the side of the chest, two inches above the crease of the armpit and one inch in. You should feel a muscle there.

If you have the hiccups frequently these acupressure hiccup exercises may stop them. Doing the acupressure exercises every day may prevent the hiccups. The Wind Screen points are sensitive areas, so press lightly on both points for about one minute. Press the Heaven Rushing Out and Sea of Tranquility points together. Gently press both points for one minute. Press the recessed area beneath the collarbones for thirty seconds while breathing slowly and deeply. For hiccup prevention repeat the exercises every day.

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Warning: You should not use acupressure if you are pregnant or if you have heart problems. Neiguan may be pressed for morning sickness. Don’t press or massage sores, cuts or scratches. Allow at least an hour before or after eating or exercise for your acupressure sessions. If the hiccups continue in spite of these hiccup remedies get medical help.