WWE Tables, Ladders, & Chairs Results

WWE Tables, Ladders, & Chairs was the pay-per-view held tonight at The Toyota Center in Houston, Texas. Here are the results and highlights of the show.

Match 1: Intercontinental Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger: This is a Ladder Match. At one point, Vickie Guerrero comes in and tries to climb the ladder. The end comes when Kingston knocks Ziggler off the ladder. Kingston and Swagger both reach for the belt at the same time and the belt falls to the mat. Ziggler gets to the belt and the referee calls for the bell. Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler.

The Nexus is backstage. Wade Barrett says they are together and that they will win the tag titles tonight.

Match 2: LayCool vs. Natalya & Beth Phoenix: This is a Divas Tag Team Tables Match. At one point in the match, McCool almost hit a Styles Clash from the top rope through a table on Natalya. But, Phoenix broke it up before it happened. The end came when Laycool were going for a douple superplex from the top rope on Natalya. Natalya pushed them off and they both landed on a table. The table didn’t break so she jumped from the top with a cross body, which put both members of LayCool through the table. Winners: Natalya & Beth Phoenix.

Kane is backstage. He says he never celebrated Christmas as a child. But, tonight he is giving Christmas presents. He’s giving tables, ladders, and chairs. He’s going to play with his new toys. He starts screaming Merry Christmas and pulls down Christmas decorations that are in the background.

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Match 3: WWE Tag Team Title Match: Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. Nexus (Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel): Marella talks before the match. He talks about being champions, says a rhyme, and says that TLC stands for Totally Lethal Cobra. Michael McGuillicuty and Husky Harris are with Slater and Gabriel. Nexus was disqualified when Harris tried to distract the referee while McGuillicutty interfered. After the match, they beat down Santino and Kozlov. Wade Barrett comes down with a chair and uses it on both of them. Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions: Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov.

Match 4: King Sheamus vs. John Morrison: This is a ladder match to determine the new number 1 contender for the WWE Championship. Sheamus controlled most of the match by working over Morrison’s knee. Morrison is able to get to the contract first though. Winner and New #1 Contender: John Morrison.

Josh Matthews interviews the Miz backstage. He talks about Morrison and Randy Orton.

Wade Barrett and Husky Harris are walking backstage. They go into their dressing room and the rest of Nexus are all laid out. Barrett tells Husky to lock the door.

Match 5: WWE Championship Match: The Miz vs. Randy Orton: This is a Tables Match. Alex Riley is with The Miz and gets involved in the match several times. After a ref bump, Riley comes in. Orton RKO’s Riley and then powerbombs him through a table. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Orton, rolls Riley off the broken table, and puts Orton on it. He gets the ref back in the ring. The ref sees Orton on the table and calls for the bell.

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The Miz is announced as the winner. Then, the referee sees the footage on the screen of what happened. He calls for the restart. Orton was attacking Miz outside the ring and then tossed Miz in the ring. Orton starts to climb in the ring but Alex Riley hits him with a shoulderblock and sends him through a table. The ref calls for the bell again. Winner and still WWE Champion: The Miz

Rosa Mendes is backstage interviewing Alberto Del Rio in Spanish. Edge is in Del Rio’s car. Edge and Del Rio go on back and forth a bit about kidnapping Del Rio’s personal ring announcer, Kane, Christian, and the TLC match. Edge says he is leaving Houston a ten time World Champion and walks off.

Match 6: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio: This is a TLC Match. Ricardo (Del Rio’s ring announcer) is with Del Rio. There were plenty of spots in this match. At various points in the match, Mysterio got the 619 on Del Rio and Kane, Edge speared all three men, Kane chokeslammed Edge and Del Rio, and Kane hit a Tombstone piledriver on Mysterio. Ricardo tried to climb the ladder at one point in the match, but was chokeslammed by Kane. Edge is eventually able to get to the title for the win. Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion: Edge.

Cody Rhodes comes out to the ring. He talks about grooming tips and runs down Houston. Santa Claus and the Bella Twins come out and toss presents into the crowd. Santa is Big Show dressed up. Rhodes talks about Show. He says the worst image of 2010 was the site of Big Show in his underwear in the Knucklehead movie. Show says Rhodes is to uptight and tries to get him to run around in his underwear. They continue to talk down each other back and forth before Show ripped off Rhodes clothes and made him run around in his underwear.

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Barrett and Harris are walking to the ring. They go through a doorway and Harris is took out with a chair. Cena comes out and smiles at Barrett and says he guesses that’s all of them and heads to the ring.

CM Punk comes to the ring and replaces Matt Striker at the announce table.

Match 7: John Cena vs. Wade Barrett: This is a chairs match. There were plenty of chair shots in this one. Cena got a rolling chair at one point and Punk said he didn’t think that was legal. The end came when Cena set up 6 chairs in the middle of the ring and hit the AA on Barrett on top of the chairs. He then pinned Barrett. Winner: John Cena
