WWE Over the Limit Results

WWE Over The Limit was the pay-per-view held tonight at The Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. Here are the results and highlights of the show.

Match 1: Intercontinental Title Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston: Kofi gets the pinfall after the SOS. After the match, McIntyre calls for Teddy Long and demands that he reverse the decision. Matt Hardy comes out and hits a Twist Of Fate on McIntyre. Winner and new Intercontinental champion: Kofi Kingston.

A backstage segment with CM Punk and The Straight Edge Society is shown.

Match 2: Ted Dibiase vs. R-Truth: Virgil is with Ted Dibiase. R-Truth wins by pinfall after hitting a corkscrew elbow. Winner: R-Truth.

Next is a backstage segment with Drew McIntyre and Teddy Long with McIntyre trying to get the decision reversed and Hardy fired.

Match 3: Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: This is a Straight Edge Society vs. Hair Match. If Mysterio loses, he must join the Straight Edge Society. If Punk loses, he must shave his head. Punk gets busted open legit and the ref stops the match so a trainer can fix him up. Punk did not look happy about that. Mysterio wins by pinfall. After the match, the masked man attacks Mysterio and Punk calls out Luke Gallows and Serena. Kane makes the save for Mysterio. Mysterio cuffs Punk to the ropes and cuts big clumps out of Punk’s hair. Mysterio leaves and come back with a mirror to show Punk. Punk is furious. Punk’s head was bleeding very badly. Winner: Rey Mysterio.

Backstage segment with Big Show, Chris Jericho and Miz is next. Big Show tells them that he is going to punch both of them in the face, then revive them, and do it again.

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Match 4: Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Hart Dynasty vs. Chris Jericho and Miz: Tyson Kidd pins Miz after the Hart Attack. Winners and still Unified Tag Team Champions: The Hart Dynasty

Match 5: Edge vs. Randy Orton: This match ended in a double count out. Orton looks like he may have legit hurt his arm during the match. Winner: (none)

Match 6: World Heavyweight Title Match: Jack Swagger vs. Big Show: Big Show wins by disqualification after Swagger hits him with the belt. After the match, Swagger continues to hit Show with the belt and a chair, but Show keeps getting back up. Show eventually chokeslams Swagger on the chair and then hits him with the knockout punch. Winner: Big Show.

Batista is interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage.

Match 7: Divas Title Match: Eve vs. Maryse: Eve wins by pinfall. Winner and still Divas Champion: Eve.

Match 8: WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. Batista: This match is an “I Quit” match. Cena gets busted open and the trainer has to come out to patch him up during the match. Batista tries to run over Cena with a car during the match. Cena wins when he gets Batista up for the Attitude Adjustment on top of the car and Batista quits. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment anyway. Winner: John Cena.
