WWE Divas – Are They Hot?

WWE Diva’s

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WWE Divas”>The WWE Divas of Television
For a long time wrestling has brought us to together to share in fun, food, sports entertainment and of course women. It used to me a man only sport, showing the skills an athlete has honed from hours in the gym and hitting the mat time and time again.
Today it has become more advanced, more exciting and more…Sexy. Welcome the WWE Divas!

Get to know who the sexiest women are on television. They are the WWE Divas! Some names to mention are definately WWE Divas Ariel, WWE Divas Candice, WWE Divas Michelle, WWE Divas Jillian, and WWE Divas Ashley. These girls are hot and getting hotter. They definately know how to throw a punch! No pun intended.

In my family we called it “the mans soap opera”. I was barely nine or ten when I watched my first prowrestling match. Seeing all the big names that I watched at home when my mother yelled at me to eat. She would tell me if you want to be big and strong you need to eat more, and more healthy food I ate. Ofcourse I never became that big or strong but I consider myself to be a health nut and watch what I eat. Back in the day the only WWE Divas you would see was a rare and occasional match. Usually these Divas would accompany the man or team that they were supporting. As always they would get involved in some way or start some sort of trouble setting them up for “the cat fight of the century”.

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Now back to the WWE Divas. These women have worked hard in my opinion. The Crowds are larger and the lights are hotter. Now the WWE Divas are in the spotlight larger than life and full of that kind of glamore we usually only see in hollywood. If anyone has watched wrestling over the years, we all know the temper tantrums and hissy fits the big guys can have. Only now its more fun to watch the WWE divas have them too!

Some of my personal fantasy’s of the WWE Divas would be to have lucky matches where you could pay a little more for a chance to wrestle these hard bodied women. I’m sure many men would like to have some sense slammed into them! Hey it might not be realistic, but one can only dream. Right? Ofcourse there is always the one involving two WWE Divas and some baby oil, but I won’t go into that one. Another one I would like to see is the Champion take on amatures from the crowd. It could be one WWE Diva versus a tag team avenger. The Winner being offered more chances to wrestle for a contract. This would make it very interesting because not only would the tag team be a team, but also trying to win the contract for their own personal gain! Oh I’m so naughty! But I must give one more idea! The idea would be to have amatures wrestle for a date or dinner or such with their favorite WWE Divas! Can you imagine some of the possibilities! Set up kind of like American Idol style. Only it could be tournament style matches. Would some of the seasoned pro’s be flustered? I would think so!

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I have always found it facinating to watch WWE Divas Trish Stratus and Tori Wilson. These two girls are rockin with their hot bods, mean streak attitudes and skilled moves. Gotta holdem down girls! Stand on those mountains if ya have to! You know what they say. You have to fight to be on top!

I can only hope that some of these WWE Divas will chose a path that inspires more women to look up to them. Sure independance, sex appeal and dominance are main attractions in Americans lifestyle, but don’t let the “sour grapes” use these same topics against us. Give these women a chance to make their mark in history. How many other women out there, women without power can say…I’m a WWE Diva!

In closing I’d like to say thanks to all the wrestling athletes out there. Pro or amatures. Its obvious the strain one must go through to obtain some of those titles. And to the WWE Diva’s … Looking for the divas try here. >WWE Divas”>Go WWE Diva’s GO!

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