Why Are Children so Disrespectful Today?

It took me a long time to think about what I was going to say in this paper before I wrote it. I am seeing things daily, that, quite frankly, grieve my spirit. It happens time and time again. Mr. Smith, the math teacher, asks little Johnny to put his cell phone away, according to school rules. instead of doing as he is asked, he raises a bigger stink than the smell of booboo on a chicken farm. He begins to call the teacher everything under the sun, except Mr. Smith. The frustrated teacher calls for an escort to send him to the office of the principal, who sends him back after telling him, “Naughty naughty boy. You be nice to ol’ Smith now, hear!” The next thing Mr. Smith knows, a message comes over the intercom: “Will Mr. John Smith please report to the principal’s office at the end of school?

What! Mr. Smith is getting in trouble? What is wrong with that picture? I thought little Johnny was supposed to get a call home to Mom and Dad after calling Mr. Smith a “bald-headed, four eyed $#%^^&&&&&&!” But once in the principal’s office Smith is told that an intervention is being planned for this Friday, that the district is coming to observe HIM in the room, because there is some concern about classroom management skills.

The above story is an exaggeration, mind you. But it does happen somewhere, and it would hardly be surprising. Consider the case of the third grade children who beat up their teacher. When that teacher turned to the principal for help, she is told that “it is partly her fault. This is a true story, and it happened this year.

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Contrast that with 1969. My cousin, who could be a real humdinger in class at times, acts out in class so badly one day that the teacher calls his dad. Not so long his dad’s brand-new, midnight blue 1969 Buick LeSabre pulls up. He enters the classroom with a belt, and gives him a good hiding right in front of the teacher. Now if that happened today, Social Services would be called and my uncle–who is no longer with us today, would have caught a case.

Indeed, there is less fear of retribution in children than it was back when my cousin and I were growing up. Because the last thing I wanted was my mom–and especially my dad–to have to show up at my school. I knew there were going to be fireworks at the Koolbreeze household that night when my fanny got home! I was required to address the adults Dad brought to the house as Mr. Miss, and Mrs., and I had to show RESPECT. I had to treat my teachers with the same respect as I would my parents. So much of that is not required today.

Since I know all too well what a buttwhipping felt like, I went out of my way to behave so that when Mom did come up, I would see her face in peace, and that it was a good occasion. As a substitute teacher, I can with heavy heart tell you that so many children just don’t care today. Is it the hard core rap music (and I use that term loosely, that crap that is listened to today bears not the least resemblance to music)they listen to, in which every third word is a swear word? Or can we trace it back to that day in 1963, the powers that be in the Highest Court in the land, with the help of slain atheist advocate Dr. Madelyn Murray O’Hair, kicked our God, Jesus Christ, out of the school system? The Lord Christ, being the Gentleman that He is, packed His bags and left. And His Heart is grieved with the result in our schools.

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Or could it be the late great Dr. Benjamin Spock’s theory that spanking destroys the “self-esteem” of a child, that “self-esteem-building” is so danggoned important? Based on what I see on a regular basis, children are born fairly prideful. In the Bible, it says, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him” (Prov. 22: 15). It further says, “If thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.” A few whacks on the butt are not going to hurt a child. Quite the contrary, it will keep the child out of juvenile home, and prison later in life.

My dad believed in corporal punishment. He whipped my butt, and I respected him for it. I am thankful today for it. I am happily married, and I work my tail off for every penny that I earn. I didn’t come here thinking that someone owes me a living, or owes me any help with anything. I am ashamed when I must accept help, because I believe that whatever I get must be hard-earned. And I also learned that showing respect to my superiors is the way to keep a job, and to get ahead in life.

Kids need to be taught that they are going to be under some kind of authority as long as they live. Whether it’s the teacher, the preacher, the president, or the neighbourhood cop, or a boss, someone is going to tell that person what to do. In Heaven we will still be under authority. You will NOT be allowed to come to the place where the God of the Universe lives and behave there in a disrespectful manner towards Himself, or the Holy angels. One of the angels tried it, and was booted out of Heaven, taking a third of the angels with him. Proper RESPECT for such authority needs to be taught while still very young.