Disney Mobile or Firefly: “I Want That!”

Buying new mobile technology can make us feel like kids in the proverbial “candy store” with the candy being replaced by gadgets. And now kids are the next market for cell phone and mobile technology. When cell phones for kids started showing up in the spring of 2005, it may have seemed to some like a fad. Now there are more options for consumers wanting to purchase kids’ cell phones for kids.

Do kids want cell phones to feel like adults or for a status symbol or do they just want the same freedom of communication they are used to having now, online. Parents may appreciate using a cell phone to monitor children’s communications and whereabouts, and for keeping in touch while juggling kids’ busy after-school schedules. With any new freedom comes responsibility.

If you feel you and your child could benefit from a cell phone, and that it won’t be misused, it may be time to purchase one. There are some important ground rules to set with kids before handing over a new phone. Because most public schools have strict policies for cell phone use at school it is important to follow some basic guidelines, in addition to any specific rules of their school. Although some guidelines may seem obvious, it is important to spell them out for children and pre-teens receiving a cell phone.

1. Do not use your cell phone during class, even if it is “just to text.”

2. Cell phone use should be limited to lunch, recess and for after school.

3. Set a monthly limit of minutes unless there is one build in.

4. Practice respect and good cell phone etiquette.

Once you feel your child is ready for a cell phone and their new responsibilities, it’s time to go shopping.

Comparing Cell Phones

When shopping for a cell phone for kids consider the following:

Add On? The biggest decision you will have to make when buying a cell phone for kids is whether you should just add a phone to your current plan, or migrate to a family-oriented provider. It may depend on your current phone contract, if your cell phone is tied to business expenses, and on the difference in cost to your family. The controls on some family cell phone providers may help save money for families whose usage is out of control.

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Battery Life With any cell phone, especially a cell phone for kids, battery life is important. Be sure the cell phone battery which comes standard with the cell phone has a long enough battery life to suit your needs. What is the standby time? And features you may not want in a cell phone for kids: Is the battery easily removed?

Beyond Voice If the cell phone for kids you are considering has Internet capabilities, you may want to consider the necessity of that feature. Time spent accessing Internet pages, sending e-mail and instant messaging will eat up valuable minutes. Most of these activities can be done at home, at school or at the library.

Cost The cost of a cell phone for kids is in the same ballpark as other cell phones. Consider visiting Wirefly to find cell phone deals and plans on all major carriers. Often when buying phones through Wirefly, you will receive extra accessories and better prices than going through the providers directly.

Durability Cell phones for kids should be made to move from pocket to backpack, to being dropped on the ground, back to pocket…and still function. Easily scratched or shiny materials are not suitable for cell phones for kids.

GPS should come standard on any cell phone for kids. It allows parents to monitor kids, or locate a lost phone.

Kid Appeal When buying a cell phone for kids, consider if you’d like the phone to look like yours, or to appeal to your child. If you’d rather have a phone that looks more like a phone than a toy, keep that in mind when purchasing a cell phone for kids.

Safety Features A cell phone for kids should have an easy way to contact mom, dad, or other guardians quickly and easily. Speed dial numbers on cell phones for kids are also convenient. A cell phone with a direct link to 911 is useful for kids who understand the meaning of an “emergency.” Some cell phones for kids allow parents to control which numbers may be dialed and restricting other numbers.

Cell Phones for Kids

Since most parents are familiar with the Disney name, it stands to reason that they would come out with Disney Mobile. Parents, who can’t help but be familiar with Disney, will feel comfortable buying a cell phone for kids from Disney Mobile. A subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, Disney Mobile provides wireless communication services and products “specifically focused on addressing the unique needs of today’s ever-changing family.

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Disney Mobile, which launched in June of 2006, has created a wireless service and cell phones specifically designed for families, not just for parents and not just for kids. In coming up with cell phones for families, Disney Mobile has listened to what parents today want and need in a family cell phone plan. Parents will be able to manage their family cell phone plan online through Disney Mobile. With Disney Mobile comes Family Center features, which allow parents to:

1. Locate kids’ cell phones GPS capabilities.

2. Set a “spending allowance” for kids’ cell phones which tracks usage for voice minutes, text messaging, picture messaging and downloading, as well as an alert-system letting kids know when they have reached their allowance.

3. Manage communication on kids’ cell phones with always-on numbers and restricted numbers.

4. Prioritize important family messages.

5. Determine the hours of the day and days of the week when kids can use their cell phones.

With Disney Mobile, individual plans start at $39.99 per month and range up to $169.99 per month. Family plans range from $59.99/per month to $249.99/per month. An additional line on the Family Plan will cost $9.99/per month. All plans include Disney Mobile’s Family Center features, mentioned above, plus a bundle of daytime minutes, and unlimited nights and weekends.

The Disney Mobile plan also covers unlimited nationwide long distance and unlimited mobile-to-mobile family calling. Disney Mobile with cell phones for kids also offers wireless voice service, text and picture messaging. Handset pricing will start at $59.99 with a two-year service agreement.

What Disney Mobile is Missing

What you won’t find from Disney Mobile are cell phones for kids that look much different from regular cell phones. Disney Mobile put all their eggs into the service package. Which may be fine with most parents. Kids may not be thrilled a their dull looking phone and may start pleading for a $3.49 Disney phone theme for their phone’s display monitor. And while Disney Mobile boasts about their “broad range of entertainment and content for Disney fans of all ages,” that entertainment currently consists of fee-based themes, ringtones, images, games and applications.

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Firefly Mobile Cell Phone for Kids

Firefly Mobile on the other hand, has really cute cell phones for kids. The Firefly phone for kids was designed to address the needs of pre-teenage kids and their parents. Firefly phones are kid-sized and colorful. They have just five keys, lots of light, sound and animation. Who wouldn’t want one of those?

The Firefly Phone for kids, which costs $99, comes with intentional limits.

1.The Firefly phone for kids is a voice-only phone. The phone does have caller ID and optional call screening.

2. It’s small and rounded design is geared to fit directly into the hands of kids aged eight to 12 years old. How small? It is about the size of a small pocket calculator and weighs two ounces.

3. The Firefly phone for kids is easy to use. There are only just five keys instead of a regular dial pad on this kids’ cell phone. Parents use a pin to program up to 22 outgoing numbers into the phone. The Firefly phone for kids has two icon indicated speed-dial keys for Mom and Dad.

4. The Firefly also has a 911 button for emergency calls with and accidental call prevention feature.

5. During use, this cell phone for kids lights up like a firefly.

6. Firefly cell phone for kids comes 12 ring tones, seven screen colors, five animations, a battery charger and a hook for a backpack clip.

7. Talk time is up to 6 hours and Standby time is 205 hours.

The Firefly cell phone for kids has a pay-as-you-go/pre-paid calling plan will be available nationwide through


  • Wired Safety has information for parents and kids on safety and technology issues: www.wiredsafety.org