White Rice Vs. Wild Rice – Which One is More Nutritious?

Comparing wild rice to white rice also seems like white rice will not have a chance. Wild rice is known to be not only a very healthy rice, but also the best choice of rice, although white rice may be more popular. Perhaps it is the cost but after taking a look at the nutrients that your white rice is offering you and looking at the nutrients that wild rice offers, you may just be quick to switch.

Wild rice has less calories than white rice but still brings all the nutrition. If you are counting calories then wild rice is a much better choice as it has around forty calories less than white rice per serving. Wild rice has three times as much fiber as white rice and nearly twice as much protein, twice as much vitamin B6 as well as more than twice as much iron. Vitamin E is one nutrient that wild rice has four times as much as white rice and the nutrients vitamin K, thiamin, and riboflavin are some of the nutrients that wild rice has that white rice does not have any of. Something that stands out a lot about wild rice is that it has around ten times as much folate as white rice. Folate is a B vitamin that occurs in food naturally and folate deficiency in pregnant woman can cause low birth weight and in infants and children can cause slow overall growth rate as well as many other things.

White rice offers ten grams more of carbohydrates than wild rice, and has half as much sodium as wild rice. Although wild rice is very low in sugar white write does not offer any grams of sugars. Another good thing about white rice is that it has more pantothenic acid, a B vitamin that is essential for life. However another essential nutrient that wild rice has more of is choline, it has about five times as much as white rice. With the exception of the amount of pantothenic acid that white supplies when compared to wild rice there is nothing that it offers a lot more of.

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Seeing how the process to make white rice strips the grain of most of its nutrients it is no wonder that wild rice is so overwhelmingly better for you. If you have not already you probably will start to think about switching over to wild rice from white rice.