Whey Protein Types and Uses

This is in response to “Whey Protein is One of the Most Important Supplements One can Take” , written by Jonathan McLelland on Oct. 17, 2006.

I have also been using whey protein supplements for many years as part of a healthy diet. I find it makes an excellent choice for those who are training to maintain and promote lean muscle mass. As someone who has trained for many years, I am often asked about diet and I am usually surprised at the lack of general knowledge regarding whey protein.

For that reason I am providing the following information in an attempt to assist people who wish to purchase whey protein and enjoy its benefits for themselves.

Anyone who has walked into a health food store recently may have noticed the abundance of whey products currently on the market. It’s absolutely overwhelming. Let’s look at some characteristics of whey products and see what may be the best choice for you.

Anyone who has walked into a health food store recently may have noticed the abundance of whey products currently on the market. It’s absolutely overwhelming. Let’s look at some characteristics of whey products and see what may be the best choice for you.
Anyone who has walked into a health food store recently may have noticed the abundance of whey products currently on the market. It’s absolutely overwhelming. Let’s look at some characteristics of whey products and see what may be the best choice for you.

You will have to read the labels on the packaging to see what exactly each product contains. If you are in doubt, ask for assistance from the store staff. This is especially effective if you are looking for products to meet special needs like weight gain, weight loss, or if you are on a “cutting” cycle.

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Whey Protein Isolate is generally the highest quality of whey supplement, and therefore usually the most expensive. These products “isolate” the whey protein by going through the most advanced filtering process to remove carbohydrates and fats. Thus they have the highest percentage of protein compared to other whey products.

The Whey Isolate supplements are very quickly absorbed and are therefore very fast-acting. As a result, they are especially effective immediately following a workout when your muscles need nutrients quickly and efficiently. It is also an excellent idea to consume Whey Isolate first thing in the morning when a fast-acting protein is very effective.

An excellent tip from bodybuilders is to consume a Whey Isolate Protein drink as soon as you can after a workout, preferably while the sweat is still on your body. Use approximately 40 grams of protein and include a high glycemic carbohydrate as well. A piece of fruit like a banana is excellent, or some other form of fructose or glucose. Maltodextrin works well here because it is absorbed so quickly into the bloodstream. Upwards of 100 grams of carbs will work well here.

Many bodybuilders bring a Whey Isolate drink to the gym with them (or the ingredients to mix one) and consume it right after their workout. This speeds recovery and helps your body become lean and muscular. There are also a few terrific post-workout products on the market. These tend to be expensive so it is easier and cheaper to create your own.

Whey Protein Concentrates are products that do not go through such an advanced filtering process as the Whey Isolate. Hence, they generally contain about 10-15% less protein and will most likely include some fats and carbs. Some Whey Protein Concentrate products also have some Whey Isolate blended in. The Concentrate products are less expensive, but are slower to absorb and may contain more carbs and fats that you currently require from a supplement, depending on your current goals. Again, you must read the labels and ask questions.

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The last group of whey products we will look at contain blends of protein. Generally speaking, the product will contain whey (check to see if it is Isolate or a Concentrate) and other forms of protein from other sources such as egg albumin or soy. These products will often contain fats and carbs in varying amounts so read the labels! The proteins are slower digesting and absorbing with blended proteins so they are more effective when used throughout the day and before bed to maintain a steady supply of amino acids in the bloodstream. This keeps the metabolism going which can contribute to burning fat.

If you are looking to lose fat, get leaner, and feed your muscles, look to Whey Isolate products to get the highest quality and fastest digesting proteins without any carbs or fats. If you are looking to gain weight, look to a good quality blended protein that contains whey and also lots of carbs and fats. Many products are clearly labeled as weight or mass gainers. Check with the store clerk to get an opinion on these products. Use them throughout the day.

The most important use of whey supplements are probably directly after a workout or first thing in the morning. Use Whey Isolate here if you can and reap the benefits of the highest quality protein available along with the most efficient absorption.