Whey Protein, Safe or Scary?

In the modern world we live in things that were once thought safe are often scientifically proven to be dangerous and downright scary. Even medications approved by the American Food and Drug administration have proven to be unsafe. This causes one to question the safety of every product one puts in one’s mouth.

Whey protein has generally been accepted as a safe supplement for both muscle builders and vegetarians alike. The supplement section of every major grocery store has whey protein on its shelves and natural food stores such as Whole Foods sell it. Ephedra was once sold as a safe product until its true risks were confirmed. The question is, has anyone done any studies on the safety of whey protein and is it really safe.

“Whey protein is one of the two major groups of proteins found in milk. It is a highly digestible source of protein.” Whey protein is used for many conditions and circumstances. It is used in baby formulas and ice creams, just to name a few food product uses. Some current non-food uses are supplementation for muscle building, prevention of diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and possibly to prevent being prone to allergies. “Whey protein may aid in the prevention of some hereditary conditions, such as the tendency to develop allergies.” Whey protein is being researched for its possible effects on appetite suppression and controlling blood sugar. Currently there are many studies researching the possible benefits of whey protein in many diseases including cystic fibrosis and HIV to name a few.

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The benefits of whey protein are touted by many health food stores, body building websites, and even vegetarian causes. The fact of the matter is they are safe, healthy, and helpful. Most consumers do need more sources of low-fat protein, and whey protein fills that need. Body builders need protein to build muscle, while vegetarians need a safe source of protein to subsist without meat. Many consumers do not get enough protein during the day and need a safe supplement.

All evidence shows whey protein is safe when used in an informed and appropriate manner. One should always consult one’s physician before considering the use of any supplement. Whey protein may seem harmless but for those with certain conditions or taking certain medications may be at risk for complications, thus consulting a physician before using whey protein is always recommended. Those who have milk allergies other than lactose intolerance may need to avoid whey protein. Individuals with a high sensitivity to milk or milk products should not take whey protein” Whey protein may also have interactions with some medications, so those consumers taking medications should be duly informed of possible drug interactions. Whey protein is safe for healthy adults, but children, pregnant and nursing mothers, and others should consult with health care providers to ensure no condition or medication will interact with the protein.

While there are some groups that whey protein may cause adverse effects in, these groups are small and relatively insignificant. The general warnings given about whey protein should be heeded, but should not be considered alarming. Use of whey protein is widely considered safe and effective. In fact, it is now being considered for use in many health conditions for its widely positive effects.

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Lastly, one should remember that whey protein is considered a supplement. One should carefully consider the reliability of the products one buys and only consume reputable brands. The EU regulates food supplements, while the US and other countries do not. Therefore, all consumers should be properly informed before consuming any product.

Croswell, Jonathan Is Whey Protein Safe to Take Livestrong
Whey Protein Mayo Clinic
Whey Protein Webmd